The Secret Movie Giveaway

You all know that “The Secret” documentary inspired me to make a life changing decision and thus my blog was born.

I bought a brand new copy of the movie the other day so I could give one away on my blog. No company has donated this movie to me to review and give away for them, I bought this myself and am giving it away myself. I believe in my life changing journey so much that I hope whom ever wins this movie has the same life changing experience!

Ships to US and Canada only!
Mandatory entry:
Follow My Secret Experiment via e-mail subscription AND verify. Leave me a comment with you e-mail address in it.


Extra entries:
Follow my secret experiment GFC-1 entry
Follow my weight loss blog via e-mail and verify-2 entries
Follow my weight loss blog GFC-1 entry
Follow my Random thoughts blog via e-mail and verify-2 entries
Follow my Random thoughts blog GFC-1 entry
Follow me on FB-1 entry
Follow me on twitter-1 entry
Tweet and leave link-max 3 entries per day, tweets must be it least 4 hours apart!

Giveaway ends March 20th at 11:59pm

This is not the “exact” picture of the disc you will be receiving. You will be receiving a brand new, never watched documentary DVD.
ALL other Blogs giveaway prizes for March Madnesa re lisited below!
Contest is over! I will have a winner picked and e-mailed and then the winner will have 48 hours to give me their shipping information for their price. If they do not respond to me within 48 hours I will pick another one! Winner will be notified by the latest Friday march 25th, 2011
I know it may seem like a long time but I have a half dozen giveaways going on and ending this week making it crazy around here:)
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P90X 1st day of week 4 Core Synergistics, measurements and updated picture!

Wow! I have to say that the last 3 weeks of P90X have been hard but so awesome (despite the yoga, but I am getting there on the yoga).Today is day 1 of week 4 and it is also the very first time I have ever done Core Synergistics. I have to say out loud “OH MY @%*L! I loved it, even though I dripped sweat all over my stinking mat, and it was seriously the work out that tested me big time.Going back a few days:

I took the P990X workouts with me on mine and my husband’s romantic weekend getaway because I was NOT going to stop doing them. It is way too easy to stay stopped. My hubby was not on the P90X welcome wagon with me so I knew I would be doing this myself.

I woke up the first morning (Saturday) and he basically watched me do one. The next morning he decided to do the Kenpo work out with me and he LOVED it!

We then ventured to wal-mart and I found a pull up bar there for $20 and he is like “we should get this.” Me: “uh OK.” So now I have a pull-up (and have yet to do 1 but working on it).
He was excited and we have worked out doing the P90X every day together since. I have to wait until 9pm at night so he can work out with me, but I tell you, I sleep like a baby afterwards and it is awesome to have someone to work out with.

I have always wanted him to work out with me and it was this time he wanted to, because I did not bug him or push him into it, he just wanted to!

Now to the present:

Here are my measurements

1-31-2011 Day 1 of P90X
Day ONE measurements
Bust: 41 inches
Under bust: 36 inches
Waist: 41 inches
C-section scar: 42 inches
Hips: 44 3/4 inches
Thighs (1): 24 3/4 inches
Arm: 12 inches

The beginning of week 4 of P90X!

Bust: 40 1/2 inches                          Loss 1/2 inch
Under bust: 35 3/4 inches                Loss 1/4 inch
Waist: 40 3/4 inches                        Loss 1/4 inch (this has been a long time coming)
C-section scar: 41 3/4 inches           Loss 1/4 inch
Hips: 44 1/2 inches                          Loss 1/4 inch
Thighs (1): 24 1/2 inches                  Loss 1/4 inch (I see a pattern here, don’t u)?
Arm: 12 1/4 inches                          Gain 1/4 inch of pure muscle baby!

Total loss in 3 weeks of P90X= 2 inches!

2 inches rocks and even better I am loaded with energy and I feel great!!!!!!!

I did measure like 3 times because the 1/4 inch being repeated was freaking me out! I love the fraction 1/4 today!

I will keep you posted after my week for, recovery week, recovery my butt the first workout was intense!

My picture with the 2 pound loss

Still a ways to go but this is definitely a step in the right direction. Definitely look better in clothes!! LOL

Have a wonderful Day!


Posted in P90X Journey | 1 Comment

Lemon and/or Lime juice for health

My sister asked me a question last week about drinking lemon and/or lime water to help with clearer skin, increasing metabolism, lowering blood pressure and cleansing the blood.

I think she expected a short answer (well she does know me so maybe she hoped for a short answer) but you know I can’t do that. I have to research first. So Twyla, here you go!

First off, before I give my educated opinion, I have to tell you that there is a ton of information on this on the Internet but not a ton of actual legitimate information. Meaning, more then what people post on opinion boards, forums, etc. When I say legitimate source, I mean any web site that ends in edu or gov. I do not ever pass along information that I find on non edu and gov sites. Edu and gov sites actually post true and actual case studies, not moms, dads, or grandmas opinions. This is why no one ever gets ridiculous e-mail forwards from me either, because they are 99.9% a HOAX!

A common misconception that people are buying into is that citrus fruits in general, but especially from lemon and grapefruit, can boost your metabolism. There have not been actual studies that have shown any citrus fruit boosting your metabolism all on its own. However, this does not mean that they do not help boost metabolism, over all. What I mean is…if you eat a healthy diet and include fruits then your metabolism will love you and run at a higher rate. Note that I said “eating a healthy diet.” You can’t eat pizza and pasta, and fat all the time and then throw in some citrus and be rest assured that your metabolism is going to compensate, because it most likely won’t.

Acne: Lemon juice has been linked to help dry out very mild to moderate cases of acne. Drinking it has not shown as much success but there have been a handful of lemon based creams that have helped dry out the acne. Most of them to not recommend putting on your entire face and this can cause over drying of your skin and then in turn, because more acne, as your oil glands will try to over compensate for the excessive drying. This is why the cheap store bought cleansers do not work well either, they over dry and cause your skin to break out more.

On a personal note, I have found that I have about 50% less acne then I did before and the only way I wash my face is with a wash cloth and bar soap. I use Dove light exfoliating soap, and my acne has been much better. I used to use, every over the counter acne wash they have had too. I also still get acne in my late 30’s!

If you are allergic to gluten this can cause swelling and a side effect of swelling is acne. Most people do not even know that they are allergic to gluten, as it can be mild in some, and just eliminating gluten can help skin dramatically. Sorry beer drinkers, this is huge for you!

Drinking small amounts of real lemon/and or lime in you water will not hurt and MAY help you skin become clearer and be healthy for you, just not large amounts, and not in every glass. I say may because unless you are following all the other healthy recommendations in your life, you will most likely not see any effect of the lemon/lime water

Some considerations and precautions.

Citrus can eat away your tooth enamel and drinking too much can cause your teeth to become very sensitive and hurt. Brushing after you drink the water will help. You may also want to avoid drinking the lemon/lime water right before bed as some have noted they had added reflux at night due to the citrus and they have woke up with heart burn.

Other things that cause acne

Soda, yes even diet! Carbonated water does NOTHING for you period! Get rid of it! I could do a whole other post about soda.

Smoking: Smoking damages the skin, period. If you want to help your skin look healthier, tighter, and just better, then lose the smoking. It does not matter what creams, or food you eat as smoking will tend to override pretty much anything healthy you do for the skin.

My sister did mention that her cigarettes tasted horrible when she drank the lemon/lime water. I am not entirely sure why this is happening but maybe it is a good thing. My guess is that the body is loving the citrus and not loving the cigarettes. I can’t find any solid answer for this.

Blood cleanser: Citric acid likes to bind to calcium and this can help with the prevention of clotting.

Vitamin C has been shown to sometimes help with anemia but for the most part anemia can be treated with iron and B12.

As a blood cleanser citrus fruits definitely can help but again, if your diet is a high fat, high starch diet, so in other words, not healthy, the fruits may not help at all as the bad foods will over power your arteries and veins and the citrus won’t do much.


You MAY have to click on “links to this post” to leave a comment. I downloaded comment luv and for some reason there are times there is no “comment” to click on but if you click on “links to this post” it will take you to the place to comment!

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Blog Hop Week 4!

Rules are easy:
1. Follow my blog and BOTH my co- hosts through GFC
The 2nd Co-Host is NEW every week so make sure if you link up each week that you follow the NEW host!
My Journey With Candida
Co-Host-2: Uberlibrariana
2. Grab the button and put it in a post or on your sidebar and let us know where it is. This will help the hop grow and gain us all new followers. It’s a Win, Win for everyone!

Please play nice and follow our simple rules!
Last rule:
Follow and have fun meeting new and amazing bloggers.
HOP is open from Friday to Sunday!
For some reason after I installed “comment luv” it will not show the comment link on this post and some of my other posts. If you click on “links to this post” it will take you to the comment section. UGH….Technology!
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Blog hoppin!


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P90X week 2 yoga and I DID IT, all of it!

I am writing these posts on the actual day of working out but they will most likely be post a day(s) later due to other posting opportunities.Week one of yoga X was very difficult and I did not make it more then 60 minutes but today I finished the whole stinking hour! I had some run-ins with myself but I overcame and finished the entire 90 minutes. I am so proud of myself.I will say that after my 90 days of P90X is over, I will not stop dong yoga here and there but I am going to invest in some shorter work outs of it. I can keep the other P90X work outs at their regular length but the yoga will just be in smaller doses but I don’t want to quit getting better at it!

It did help to have my Continue reading

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Prefense Botanicals-ALCOHOL FREE sanitizer-Review and GIVEAWAY!- US only

I am so excited to host my first giveaway on this blog and get to do this with an awesome new hand sanitizer product from Prefense Botanicals!

I usually DO NOT use hand sanitizer because it breaks my hands out in eczema and have come to find out during my review, that it is because of the alcohol content that is in most other sanitizers. The Prefense botanicals sanitizer is alcohol free and my hands look and feel awesome and I have used it every day for the last 2 weeks!

Here are some amazing facts about prefense botanicals

· No alcohol! Prefense is made of all-natural ingredients and has absolutely NO alcohol in it!

· Our technology protects you for 24 hours or 10 hand washings! This is what moms really love to hear about! (I LOVED this part too)!

· Prefense is non-toxic and safe for kids! It will not hurt you if swallowed! (My daughter used it every day and it gave me piece of mind that she was protected with an alcohol free sanitizer as she breaks out like I do).

· Prefense is silica based which means it doesn’t dry out your hands like traditional alcohol sanitizers. It actually smooths and softens your hands. You can totally see this when you apply it!

· Prefense protects against staph, strep, E.coli, drug resistant MRSA strains, and more. We fight germs that other hand sanitizers can’t.

· Because “one spray lasts all day” our 1.5 oz Prefense Botanicals Hand Sanitizer offers 120 applications, costing only $.08 per day, compared to $1.20 per day with alcohol hand sanitizers. (This part is just PLAIN AWESOME)!
Prefense botanicals was so awesome to send me this bottle to review for my readers and are giving one luck reader, of my blog, a free bottle of their own. This bottle is still more than half full after a week and a half of my entire family using it (3 of us). I am seriously hooked and will continue to use this product long after my review and giveaway are over.
ENTER TO WIN Prefense botanicals
Mandatory entry
Head over to Prefense botanicals website and leave me a comment about anything on there. Please make sure you leave your e-mail address in the comment or I cannot get a hold of you if you win!
Leave a separate comment for EACH entry!
Extra entries-be sure to leave your e-mail address in each comment
Like Prefense botanicals on Facebook and -leave your FB name in my comment
Follow Prefense Botanicals on Twitter-leave your twitter ID in comment
Like Tawna on Facebook-leave your FB name in comment
Follow Tawna of Twitter-leave your twitter ID in comment
Tweet this giveaway-1 entry per tweet, limit 2 entries per day (must be at least 4 hours apart)-leave link
Follow this blog GFC
Follow my weight loss blog GFC-leave a comment on weight loss blog
Follow my positive thinking blog through GFC-leave a comment on positive thinking blog
Follow ANY of my 3 blogs through e-mail subscription and verify-2 entries per blog
Giveaway will end on Web Feb. 23rd at midnight!
Click on CLICK HERE TO ENTER on the linky to post your comments for entries!

Contest is over and winner notified and claimed their prize!
Thanks for entering!


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Did NOT postpone our vacation to Gatlinburge due to money!

We filed for out taxes on Feb 1st in hopes of getting our return back on Feb 11th so we could take a romantic getaway for our 6th anniversary. We did not have the money to do it without our tax return. We headed to H and R block and got them filed and we were informed that the taxes would be direct deposited on the 11th, exactly.  This was not a for sure date, this was the projected date and the earliest date they would be deposited.

We had our babysitters lined up, hotel booked and we were ready to go. We were putting all our eggs in one basket, this was the weekend we were going to go.

I got on FB a few days later and saw a whole lot of conversations of people being denied of filling their taxes until later in the month of Feb due to the government whining about the overload of taxes being filled. Boo hoo government, don’t make us file then!

I had conversations with a lot of people and I started to worry that we may not get our money. I then decided that this was NOT part of the secret and going to bring me positive LOA so I simply just let it go and said “we will go and we will get the money,” shoved it off and did not worry about it anymore.

On Friday Feb 11th there was no money in our account and when I went to it said I would receive it between the 11th-16th. We still left on the 11th, with not more then $200 in the bank to cover the $179.00 hotel bill we would have, gas, food, and entertainment. Old me would have freaked out, cried, and cancelled the trip and had a horrible weekend! not new and improved me!

Both my husband and I just decided that we were meant to go on our trip together and left it at that.

We got to the hotel at 11:30pm, checked in and went to bed. When I got up at 6am to go to the bathroom I decided to call my bank to see if the money was in there and low and behold, we were $3,000 richer! We had the money and we were ready to have a wonderful vacation!

It felt good and we had a wonderful time together! We got to enjoy things that we would not have typically enjoyed if we would have not got the money.

I have to give Gatlinburg TN, well Pigeon Forge TN actually, a plug here. If you are looking for a very family friendly awesome place to visit you need to go here. Gatlinburg has a lot of shops etc but is very crowded. Pigeon Forge is only a 20 minute drive from Gatlinburg and it is like a Vegas for families! so many awesome family friendly things to do. You could stay there for a week and not run out of things to do.  We will take out kids there in about 2 years when our youngest is old enough to enjoy it!

You MAY have to click on “links to this post” to leave a comment. Comment luv does not always work well on my blog!


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Don’t put eggs on the varnished table!

Well I learned my lesson the hard way today for sure.
We went without a coffee table for 6 years because there are very expensive and when you have small kids you don’t want to spend lots of money on furniture, it gets ruined…right?
Well Mommy ruined this table, not the kids.
We found this table on craigslist for $20 and it really was a nice sturdy table and we were lucky to find it.  I love having a coffee table, it was something I missed not having every day we did not have one.
My sons likes to eat his breakfast in the morning, out of his chair, so I decided to forgo the plate and put his eggs on the table. I noticed later that there were these little white spots all over it, and not it is not his milk! Look….
Those spots are not going away. Whatever is in the eggs eats at the finish on the table and now it is permanently like this.
The WORST part is that my son ate the eggs and you know that whatever is off the table ended on the egg right? Argh, I feel like a horrible Mom. Pretty much just fed my son varnish. Lesson learned, won’t do it again!
To leave a comment you will need to click on “links to this post” it will take you to the comment sections. It is messed up since I downloaded comment luv!
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Yoplait Yogurt Smoothie, yummy!

I watch the biggest loser all the time and have seen these yogurt smoothies on there a few times and always thought they looked great!
They have a bunch of different flavors and I have tried almost all of them and they are awesome!!!
I am not getting paid for this review at all, in fact yoplait does not even know I am doing it. I am doing it because it is a very tasty healthy snack and I wanted to share it with my readers.
The bag makes 2 servings so each bag (with milk, I calculated using 1% milk) is 240 calories. Each serving then only has 120 calories. I would have used skim milk but was out so I used 10% which is what we drink in this house.
The only thing I don’t like is that it is a 2 serving bag, I wish it were only 1. You could half the fruit and yogurt out of it and store the rest in the freezer, that would not be that hard, but I would prefer to use the 1 serving only.
However, on the other hand my kids want it when I make it so this 2 serving works for the 3 of us. Here is what the 2 servings looks like.
1 serving, which is half this really does fill you up and is so tasty. it really tastes like a very bad for you smoothie, I love it!
I am thinking that we will go through more of these in the summer.
Well the price at our local Kroger is a little much at $3.29 per bag. Wal-Mart was around .80 cents cheaper then that.
I joined a web site called Pssst.. and I believe it’s a general mills web site. They send me free coupons all the time and I ended up with 9 coupons for this smoothie. One was for a freebie and the other 8 were for $1.25 off. I used all of the coupons in one shot at wal-mart and got these smoothies for an awesome deal, just over a buck er bag.
I will definitely buy these again, but probably not at Kroger.
If you have not tried them yet, I would suggest it! They are yummy!
Have a wonderful day and happy eating healthy!!!

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