It may not be extreme but it worked! I reached my goal again!

I have had a goal of 400 Facebook followers by the end of January 2011 on my business FB page the entire month of January.  I believe I started the month with just over 200 fans.

It may seem small to some but it made my whole night to see that number go from 399 to 400 in 3 minutes!

I logged on to facebook at 11:55pm and was at 399 fans. I did not say, ARGH I did not make it, I said, “hm still 5 minutes!” I literally wrote a status update that said “I only need 1 more fan in the next 5 minutes,” and literally, almost the exact same time I wrote it my 400th fan Latisha liked my page.  I am not kidding, it was almost as fast as me pushing the share button on FB and I had 400 fans at 11:58pm on January 31,2011.

This may seem silly to some but this is just more proof that LOA works! Positive LOA is the best. If you don’t believe by now that we can control our law of attraction and become more positive and attract what we want, then I don’t know how else to convince you. Oh yes I do….I will keep blogging my awesome experiences until all those skeptical people are saying “yes I get it now, it works!”

This is just one more small step for me in the right direction to where I want my life to be, POSITIVE and loving it!

Here is my FB fan page to check out if you want!

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P90X Day 3 Shoulder’s & Arms plus AB Ripper!

Whew! Made it through day 3. Actually to be totally honest, this was much easier then day 1 or 2. I did not say it was “easy” it was “easier” than the first 2 days. It was still hard but at least I am not smelling myself like I was yesterday.I was so incredibly sore before the first work out and I really did not want to do it at all! I made myself and my soreness went away in about 10 minutes and it is not so bad. Now don’t get me wrong, I know I will hurt like a mother later today and into tomorrow but at least it did not hurt during the workout so much.I could feel the burn and I had to quit the last 5 minutes of ab ripper. It was not that I could not do it, it was hurting where my Interstim implant is and I do not have a mat. I am going to buy a mat as soon as I can drive on the roads. We have had a big ice storm and I am not driving in it. Hm, maybe will buy one on line. That might get it o me faster!

Bring on day 4, I am ready!

I just searched and purchased a yoga mat from amazon an put an image link on here. This is the best price I could find for a 1/4 inch mat that came with free shipping! I bought a red one that was a couple dollars cheaper then the one I have on here. It is weird but each color is a bit of a different price. Hmm. To make it free shipping you need to buy $25 but that was easy because I have been wanting push up bars too and they were around $10 so I got both for $28. Sweet! The push up bars I am buying for P90X too because I have really week wrists and it hurts after halfway through the work out. I thnk these will make it so my wrists won’t hurt so bad. I get carpal tunnel real bad and real quick.

Now I do not have to drag the kids out in the ice and snow and spend gas on a mat! I will have one in a  few days!


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P90X Day 2 Pylometrics

P90X Day 2 work out today was Pylometrics and OMGx3! This kicked my butt but I finished it! I believe him when he says “this workout is the X in P90X!” X meaning Xtreme!Holy cow! For those of you that do not know what pylometrics is, it is jumping exercises.  You jump a lot. Just when you think the jumping should be over, you jump some more. Even though it is pretty much the toughest work out I have ever done, so far, it was a lot of fun.I sweat a lot and believe me when I tell you I can smell myself right now! It is a nasty smell and I am headed off to the shower. I may be a stink queen today but I feel great and so accomplished. There were times (a lot) that I had to do the moves with the lower impact but I kept up and kept going.

I am willing to put my money on this program that it will definitely be worth every penny it costs to buy it. For most of you, you know that I borrowed this from a friend. If it goes where I think it is going then I will be purchasing it in 88 more days.

Follow my journey and if you decide to try it then you can purchase right here. I hope that if you do choose to purchase it in the future that you will from my web site. I DO NOT sponsor anything unless I believe in it fully!

Day 3 tomorrow, not sure what it will bring but I am sure it will be challenging and fun!

I originally posted that I wold do bi-weekly pics of me but if these work outs are as intense every day as they have been I may boost that up to once a week instead.


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Saying goodbye won’t be too hard.

I have been an avid fan of the show Criminal Minds since about the second season. I loved this show and have been recording it for years.

Starting in the 2010 season I really felt that the show was taking a “turn for the worst.” They were showing a lot more crimes involving kids and it started getting more and more graphic. It was getting to the point where if I watched it before I went to bed I could not sleep until I watched a 30 minutes episode of something funny to try and get my mind off of the shows story.

A couple episodes before Christmas I told my husband that if the show did not get better I was going to quit watching it. To my surprise he spike up and said he had been wanting to say that for a while but thought I liked it so much that he did not want to say anything.

Tonight’s show with the Bonnie and Clyde killers was the last show my husband and I will watch as I canceled the series recording of the show. This does bum me out a bit because I LOVE the characters on the show and wish the writers would not have changed it up so much to be so freaking psychotic. Oh well. The older I get the more I feel that if I don’t like something or something is bothering me then “get rid of it!” So I am getting rid of Criminal Minds. You did entertain me for awhile but our relationship is over, sorry CM I am leaving you tonight for good!

Part of my journey is getting rid of the negative in my life and I really do believe that TV plays a huge roll in negativity.  If something makes me feel horrible watching it then why would I keep watching it?  It’s not going to do anything but put bad thoughts into my head and steer me away from my positive happy journey. I am sure this will not be the only show I say good bye too in my near future. This is just the first.

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Mango-Glazed Salmon

You know how I love my Cook yourself thin cookbooks and this is another one of my absolute favorite recipes.  My whole family likes this one. I really need to do a giveaway for this book soon.

To make the sauce that goes on the salmon you simply put in 1 pot and boil:
2 TB low sodium soy sauce
1 tsp minced ginger
1 3-inch cinnamon stick
1 tsp rice vinegar
5 ounces mango nectar (you can find this in a soda pop looking can where all the canned fruit is)

Bring this to boil and then simmer without the lid on for 15 minutes until the mixture is just a little thicker and about half the amount. Strain mixture through a small strainer and throw away any solids.

Brush about a 1/4 of it on the salmon and broil 5 minutes (I broil on low) then brush 1/4 mixture again and broil 3 more minutes.  The book says to not brush any mixture on until after the first 5 initial minutes of cooking but I prefer it brushed on twice.

Serve with the remaining sauce over salmon. It is yummy and  good for you. If this only serves two then its about 260 calories each. For four people is is about 130 calories each.

The smell of the mixture cooking is great too!

FYI: I tried this on chicken once and it was not the best flavor for chicken. Stick to the fish in my opinion.

If you have not bought this book yet and you have tried any recipes that I have shared, it is worth the money to buy one.  I love it!

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P90X Day ONE, Chest and Back!

Today is Day 1 of P90X. I got my resistance bands ready to go this time so will be doing this work out withe the bands and NOT with the pull up bar. I may invest in a pull up bar sometime soon but they say you can get great results with the resistant bands so here we go. I bought these $9.99 bands and they are tough!Picture of Day ONE, ugh it pains me to post this but here you go! OK, no I need to be positive, this is a 40 pound plus loss pic, it was much worse before!I will update pictures every 2 weeks or so and I WILL do this the full 90 days! here goes nothing, well not nothing, here goes muscle gain, weight loss, and a summer swim suit body! WHIHOO!

Day ONE measurements
Bust: 41 inches
Under bust: 36 inches
Waist: 41 inches
C-section scar: 42 inches
Hips: 44 3/4 inches
Thighs (1): 24 3/4 inches
Arm: 12 inches

You can purchase P90X here P90X: Tony Horton's 90-Day Extreme Home Fitness Workout DVD Program

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Quitting the pacifier cold turkey!

Today is the day. It is the day I force my son to quit the pacifier aka “binky” cold turkey.

His last tooth (besides his 2 year molars) has come through this week so his teething days are pretty much over.  Now he just uses the binky as pure addiction and I am sick and tired of chasing it around the house.

I have put all the binkies up and he has been crying all day for one.  I feel bad but will feel worse if I have increased dental work and bill sin the future because he sucked on it too long.  I refuse to be one of those parents that has a toddler walking around with a huge binky in his mouth.  He will be 16 months in a few eeks and he has his teeth so now he can be off the binky well before 2 years old.

I will have to put up with a fussy baby for a few days but it would not take long to break the habit.  It may just take a few sleepless nights, but for those that have read my blog in the past, what’s the difference, he is not a good sleeper anyway, so I am out nothing!

I will keep you updated on the status and how many days it takes him to not “crave” the binky! For my husband and I, getting rid of them will be wonderful! They are a pain in the butt!

This face will be no more

This is the face I want to see,  binky free, it is so cute!
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Helping others find their abundance too!

I got the most awesome comment the other day and I am so excited about it.

I started this blog for many reasons.  The biggest reason is for myself and my family. I need to be a happier and more positive person to be more to myself and to my family.  If you have been following you have noticed that I have been making changes and this positive law of attraction has been working.

I may struggle from time to time as this is a slow process but the fact is that I am in the process and that is the main point.

I opened up my blogger dashboard and saw I had a few comments to moderate and started doing that like I normally do every day.  Today was the day, I got that one comment that shot me onto cloud 9 and made my whole day and made me realize that I CAN and DO make a difference and when I don’t even know it.

A lovely reader has started her own blog and because of me!  She was inclined to watch The Secret movie and this got her pumped up and now she is also blogging her journey and I am so excited for her and to share that with you. Her blog is My Secret to Prosperity I have to confess that I like her title a lot better than mine but those are the breaks.

I hope you will head on over to her blog as well and start reading her journey from the beginning, as I will be too, and maybe this will help others get motivated to push to positive as well.

Have a lovely day! I am having an awesome one!
Thanks Angie!

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Tradition is not always the best excuse!

I have found that there have been many times in my past and present that I use the excuse of “tradition” to dictate my daily life.  This is something that I am desperately trying to change while entering in to my life of positive attraction.

Have you found yourself using this excuse?  It can be over the simplest thing, to the more complex things in our life.  Here are some of my examples that I have used.

Food:  This is such a simple thing but we as humans tend to get into a “rut” and we don’t feel empowered to change our food situation until it is apparent that our current situation may be actually killing us.  For me it was simple things like, garlic bead with pasta.  Think about it…you have carbohydrates in the pasta, and if it is white pasts than that is the only essential nutrient it has besides fat.  Then we have the sauce and we fill like we “have” to have bread to soak up the extra sauce.  Garlic bread or just buttered bread, it is 90% of the time white starchy, not good for you carbohydrates.  In this meal you probably eat your daily calories. I mean that, typically this ONE meal can literally equal your entire day of calories and we eat it, late in the day, and sit on the couch and let it turn into fat afterward. 

So why did I always, in the past, make bread with pasta?  Well, no good excuse at all except for…tradition!  I always did this so in my mind that is just what you did.  I don’t do this anymore.  I don’t even buy white bread anymore.  My kids only get white bread when they go to someone else’s house that has it and my daughter does not even like to eat it.  I have not got my kids used to eating bread with pasta, so hopefully they will not fall into this rut.

This may seem silly to post on this blog, and maybe a better fit for my weight loss blog, but I so totally see the fit here. Why?  Well, as humans our whole life becomes a rut sometimes and it is so hard to get ourselves into new and improved “traditions.”

Daily life:  This is a big one too.  I have found myself saying “well this is what I always do.”  It did not even really matter if I wanted to change, it was just what happened every day.  “This is just my personality, this is what I have done since as long as I can remember.”  All to familiar sayings for me and I hear them from others all the time.

Why is it that we feel like we should be in these ruts?  It is like being “tapped” in a job or a way of life.  We can’t see a way to get out and when and if we do finally see one we talk ourselves out of it out of pure FEAR!  Why are we fearful to better ourselves?  Why do we have to feel like we don’t deserve things and we HAVE to be content in our current negative situation.

My challenge to you, as I am taking the challenge myself, is to quit saying “tradition” and say “I deserve to change for the better!” Our kids will learn from us and how we are.  If we cannot face life head on and make our own decisions and change them up when they need to be, and be open minded enough to do it, then we can’t expect our kids to stand on their own two feet either.  I want my kids to see life as a huge opportunity for success and that they are able to control their destiny!  My personal feeling is that this starts, today, at home, with their role models.  For my kids this is me!

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Come blog hop with me this weekend

I hope that you will link up and make some new friends with my first annual weekend blog hop today through Sunday!
Who can’t use new friends?!
Only RULE: Follow the Host (ME) and my TWO Co-Hosts. We are the first 3 links on the hop!

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