If you would like the code for this button please shoot me an e-mail, the text code, no matter what I do, will not work:(
If you would like the code for this button please shoot me an e-mail, the text code, no matter what I do, will not work:(
I learned a lot in 2010 about myself, others, and what the law of attraction can do for me. It has been a slow process but it least it has been a process! I have seen many times over, how my attitude change from negative to positive is bringing me more and helping with all aspects in my life, especially my relationships.
It has been hard to friend weed and get rid of the negative influences in my life, at first, but after I did it, I felt no regrets!
I a in live with love and feeling good and that is my resolution for NOT the new year, but for the rest of my life! I made this resolution months ago and have continued on the positive path.
I need to remember on those days that I still struggle “it’s OK this is just a bump, get over it and move on!” Sometimes frustrations can steer us off the path we are meant to be on and it is how we handle it and move back on the path we are suppose to be on.
Happy New Year to all in my life! Thank you to my wonderful followers. I love to hear your stories, concerns, opinions etc. I hope that life brings you joy and happiness and that we get to share, love and be friends forever!
Thank you to the universe for bringing me to Joe Vitale who was the one that really got me excited to make this life change. Joe if you ever find yourself attracted to my blog thanks!
Update on my vision poster: I had to hang it myself because you know how long it takes husbands to do something, right? Anyway, a few times this week I have been frustrated and turned the corner and BAM that poster is right in my face! i immediately stop and read it and tell myself to “chill out.” and it does really make me feel better!
Attached it again just in case you missed the last post. Best thing I have done in a while, it’s really helping!
I have turned it up quite a bit over the past 50 days and it has been at a consistent 4.0 for about 2 weeks now. I could feel it a bit but it did not hurt so I went with it. My doctor put me on a low dose of meds to try and help control the OAB even better but the meds did not help. I am totally happy with the InterStim as I am about 70% better then I was before the surgery but of course I am looking for 100%.
I got out of the shower and had this annoying urge to have a bowel movement. It was weird, it was a pressure that was a little uncomfortable and I thought it was weird because I had had a couple already today. It did not feel right when I tried and I could feel the pulsating of the InterStim more than usual and I just felt like I needed to turn it off while I tried to use the restroom. I turned it off and after about 30 seconds the sensation went away. I turned it back on and the sensation to have a BM came back and so did the pulsating so I turned it off again.
I called my doctor and they lead me to the Medtronic rep who had me turn my InterStim down from 4.0 to 1.0. He said that it was most likely up to high and it was making my nerves go all funky. He told me that one of 3 things would happen. I would have the same outcome as I did no 4.0 or it would be worse, or it will be better….duh! Isn’t there always 3 options, seriously!
Well anyway, it has been about 5 hours since I turned it down and I have been pretty much the same as I was earlier today minus the uncomfortable feeling. The rep told me that if I need to turn it up .5 to wait it least 48 hours to do so to give my body a break. He also talked me through the 4 different programs that are on my InterStim remote so if this program does not work before 4.0 I can switch to any other program and check it out til I find the perfect one for me.
Interstim Therapy for Urinary Control : Educational Video for Patients (Dvd)
I am still happy with my interStim as it is working great but can’t wait to see if it can work AWESOME!
I did some measurements this morning and I have gone down a 1/2 inch on my thigh and a 1/2 inch on my hips but the stomach went up a 1/2 inch. Then I realized that I should be on my period today and that was a stupid day to measure! I keep forgetting as I had an endometrial ablation done last year and I forget when I am suppose to be menstruating sometimes and seem to measure a lot on those days! I still go through PMS and bloat a bit but am so happy the worst part is VO”ID!
Anyway, I will keep doing what I am doing and measure again next week!
BTW: I posted about wanting to star P90X in Feb and I needed there bands and I found some for CHEAP on Amazon that are getting great reviews. I am ordering these this week and hoping to be dong P90X by next week, yay!
The band I just ordered, TODAY are now linked to this post. The reviews are awesome so I could not resist the price. I will let you know if I like them. If I do, and if you decide to order them, I hope you will click on this image to do so:) lol. I can’t wait, I am excited to get started! 3-5 days for shipping and then I am on it! They came to be around $15 with shipping. Great price!
I have always said, and still believe, that the best way that I know to make you small meals is to simply divide up what you would normally eat in 3 larger meals into smaller meals so you are not eating 6 huge meals per day. Of course if you are overeating your 3 meals you may need to lessen the amount first before you decide how to divide them up into smaller meals.
Because I am eating more frequently during the days, there is really no need for the extra snacks during the day but like everyone else in the world, some days I just seem to crave more. I have found that if I can keep my mind busy during these cravings they pass. How I keep my mind busy? Well the best way is to exercise. If I can say, “hmmm, feeling like I want something extra, I need to run up and down the stairs 15 times.” This really does help me forget I want to eat.
I am good at this about 40-50% of the time and I need to be good at is 100% of the time. Since it is Monday my goal for this week is to be good at this 100% of the time.
When I get hungry for extra food, I will either run the stairs, do some push-ups, jump up and down on the floor 100 times or put the radio on and dance with the kids for a few minutes.
Keeping my mind busy should result in faster weight loss!
I know, I know, it won’t be cute to everyone but what can I say? I am a typical Mom and I think they are too cute not to share!
A couple things before you watch the video. Yes I am in my PJ’s. I always work out in my PJ’s because I do the laundry. You do the math, that is why I work out in PJ’s.
I get better at it every day and still need to get my positioning better. You will tell in the video that my buttocks is a little more elevated then I would like but when I first started it was a lot higher. The more I do it, the closer to actual “plank” I get. I know that if I keep doing this everyday that in only a small while I will have better positioning. It is still working though and I feel it!
I also know that my push ups will get deeper as well. I have excess weight to push up right now and it is hard. I may not go down very far but i could not even do more than 2-3 of these mini push ups when I started working out. I don’t do knee ones either as I figured a handful of regular push ups will work faster then knee one plus we have a wood floor and it hurts my knees.
It took about 4 times to get this video so I am definitely sore right now, but in a good way. Enjoy! I hope seeing my video will inspire someone else to do it too! I would love to know if it does!
It is quite a lot to rewrite and I don’t think I have the pics saved anymore so this is a lot easier to just forward you to my other post!
Please let me know if you try it and especially if you enjoy it!
I am making it again right now, we love it!