Every kid poops in the bath!

Have you read the book Everybody Poops?  If  you haven’t you should check it out, it is cute and so true! 

I think that there should also be a book called, “Ever Kid Poops in the Bathtub!”  It does not matter how hard you try every child has got to get their parents with this one.  My daughter when she was young did it to me twice and my son today finally did his first.  You know its coming and there is pretty much nothing you can do but let the plug out and start over again, wash the bath toys and fill the tub again!

The upside (as there is always a silver lining) is that I did not have to waste a diaper on the poop.  It may be nasty to clean up but at least we saved a few cents on a diaper!

The boy sure was a lot happier after he did his duty!

I have said it before and I will say it again.  It is a good thing God made kids so cute because they might not survive some days if they weren’t!  Look at this little “stinker.”  How could you get mad at that face?!  He feels much better.

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Jogging today, feeling a little under the weather :(

Today’s work out consisted of 30 minutes of jogging in front of the TV while watching “my child survived” 30 arm rows with 10 pounds of dumbbells in each  hand, 30 presses over my head with the same weights, plank position for 2 minutes. 

I would have done more but have had a lot of phlegm since last night and am more tired than usual so I think I am coming down with something.  I did do something at least and I felt better after, but very quickly feel kind of “poopy” again. 

I did change up my plank position today which made me work out better with it.  I will see how good my four year old takes video of it in a couple of days and try to post it.

I held myself in plank position and added 20 push-ups and did not take myself out of it after the push ups and went immediatley into single leg raises.  I did 8 raises on each leg two times, then altrnated with single leg raises 8 times.  I still did not leave plan position and did jump outs with my legs, out to a “V” and back in together for 20 times.  I them did some “mounting climbing” jump lunging in plank as I brought one knee into my chest 25 times.  It looks kind of like running in plank, if that makes any sense.

That took about 2 minutes or so and then I did a few more plank and rests as my 1 year old crawled underneath me and laughed the whole time.  He thinks it is fun to crawl under Mom while I do plank and it keeps me up because I don’t want to fall on him.  I am glad I am entertainment for the little munchkin!

Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is going on in my body does not come on fully and that I can do more of a work out tomorrow!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Goals almost done!

I posted last week that I would have my goals written and up by the first part of this week.  I am almost ready to put them all over the house.  I say almost because I need to take them to my in laws to print them.

I have everything saved and ready to print to make new vision charts and affirmations etc.  I have a printer but it is only black and white and when I printed them up two fays ago I was not OK with them black and white.  It is hard to get motivated seeing a black and white smiley face, it is much more cheery to see a bright yellow smiley face.

The biggest part is done, now I just have to print them, frame them, and get them up.  I will post pics of them in a couple days when I do this.

It is making  me feel a whole lot better just doing the goals and affirmations.  This is definitely a step in the right direction!

Peace!  Have a great day!

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Better-for-you Meat Sauce for pasta

I am not a hug pasta fan but I do like the sauce.  I do not like runny sauce though.  I have been venturing and posting some of the recipes in the two cook yourself thin recipe books I have.  I LOVE these cookbooks and tell everyone I meet that they need them.

I made the better-for-you meat sauce from the cook yourself thin faster cookbook and it was yummy!

My husband has been irritated with me because I have forced him to switch to whole grain pasta and he just does not like it as much, oh well too bad babe!  When I made this meat sauce he said “wow this is great.”  I guess adding the chunkiness of the sauce helped him with the whole grain pasta texture.  I personally like the whole grain better as it is not as mushy but to each his own.

Look how chunky and good this looks!

The only thing I will do next time that would be different is make my tomato part of the sauce from scratch so it is healthier.  I decided to do make this sauce only an hour or so before dinner so I did not have time to pick up some good tomatoes.  I did buy low sodium sauce though.
Whats in it? 
1/2 lb Ground beef-lean (I used turkey so even leaner and you could not tell it was turkey)
fresh ground pepper
1/2 yellow onion
2 garlic cloves (yes fresh)
2 chopped carrots
1 eggplant cubed
dried thyme and oregano both 1/4 tsp, or put some fresh in, even better
pinch of cayenne
4 cups tomato sauce
 pinch of sugar
cook meat with the salt and pepper (not too much)
Keep 1 TB of the fat, not much when you use turkey
Cook all the vegetables in the oil in a pan until they are golden.  Add a few tablespoons of water if they stick. season with a little salt and pepper, herbs, and cayenne. Stir in the tomato sauce and sugar
Drain fat from meat and return it to the pot and simmer 30 minutes.  remove cover for the last 5
Don’t add garlic bread with this, it is added bad carbs you don’t need.  This will fill you up, there is a lot in the sauce.  Bread does not need to be a staple with pasta, especially white bread!
I highly recommend buying this book.  Hmmm maybe I will do a giveaway sometime for one of them! Would anyone be interested if I did a giveaway for the cook books?
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Mommy has a Crystal Ball

Over the holidays I had my daughter convinced that Mommy has a crystal ball and I lend it to Santa for a couple weeks so he can check to see if she is being nice or not.  She has not forgot about this and it has been so funny.

Today’s conversation (one of many since Christmas)

Rae:  Mommy, does everyone have a crystal ball
Me:  No sweetie only Mommies do
Rae:  (thinks for a minute) Do Daddy’s have crystal balls
Me:  No sweetie only Mommies have crystal balls
Me:  But I lend it to Daddy a lot so he can use it when I am gone out for things.
Rae:  When I become a Mom will I have a crystal ball
Me:  Of course you will.  I will give you mine when you are 18
Rae:  OK Mom then I can see if you are being bad!
Me:  That is right sweety but Mommies are allowed to be bad when they are old!!

She is killing me with the crystal ball thing.  I can use it to my advantage all the time.  I know it won’t last forever so I am using it while I can!!

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The pacifier aka "Binky" bandit!

I looked and looked and looked for 2-3 days for the 2 missing binkies around the house.  I pulled out the sofa and love seat and everything daily.  It was frustrating.  This boy of mine loses binkies at a drop of the hat.  I don’t want to take him off his binky until all his teeth come in and I don’t want to have to buy them every other day so I was looking everywhere and getting frustrated.

I finally found them and where do you ask, well somewhere I passed over about a dozen times a day.  I don’t know if you can see them in the picture but here it is.

I was so relieved to find them in here and since then I check this toy all the time and probably find the binkies in here every other day or so.

Other places I have found binkies have been pretty much everywhere.  It is amazing how the little one can find such awesome hiding places that us as adults just can’t figure out.  I can’t tell you how many times I look for a few days and then out of the blue I see my son 2 and 3 fisitng binkies and I take them all away but 1 and 10 minutes later he has another one.  I either have 1 binky for days or 6.  It is really quite a game around here.

My daughter was a thumb sucker so this binky thing is new to me.  At least with the binky I can get him off cold turkey a lot easier then my daughters thumb.  I did get her of her thumb in 9 days though.  Search my blog in my side bar and you will find my thumb sucking remedy.

Two more teeth and this binky is gone!

I would love to hear from other parents who have found binkies is strange places!

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Heavy snow work out in the wrong boots!

I burned a lot of calories today and I am pretty sure that half of them cam from trying to run and not fall down in my boots.

I went outside with my daughter today because we just can’t pass up playing in some good snow.  Right before Christmas my snow boots totally wore out and I have not bought new ones.  Boots are expensive!  The only shoes I have are dress shoes, running shoes, and my black dress boots.  What did I pick…my dress boots of course.

They did keep my fee dry but not warm!  I knew that they would not keep me warm but dry is better then wet. 
We have a lot of dips in our yards grass and a small hill so I did have a “time” trying to stay upright and not break a leg.  I did pretty good, nothing broken or twisted!
I pulled my daughter up and down the hill on her sled and that was fun and I was gasping for air after about the 20th time.  I made her do it herself in between my rest periods.
I also decided to give the dog a work out and made her run the back yard with me.  We lapped it a half dozen times and that wore me out too running in my boots and in the snow.  She had fun though, she loves to run, especially in the snow.
I was so tired last night and a little sore so I must have done something right.  It was also a nice change from working out inside with the TV on.  I am pretty sure we will end up outside today sometime.  I REALLY need new boots but I am sure they won’t be in the budget this year.  Bummer…Oh Well!
Have a great day!
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If you think your garage door sensor is fool proof…DON’T

I have been guilty of assuming that the garage door sensor will work without me worrying about it or checking it.  I have even let my daughter run under the door when it is going down because I figured “the sensor will stop the door.”  This is probably not the smartest thing to do and I have learned my lesson and thank goodness I did not have to learn this lesson in a worse way.

How do you like this roll of box tape?

If you think this is not big deal, it’s just tape, let me give you the story.
The garage door did NOT go back up after it hit the tape, I had to re-open the door to remove the roll of tape, it was stuck big time, I could not budge it.  This same garage door in the past has went back up for piles of snow that got place under the sensor from shoveling and these piles were not more than an inch to tow inches in height and not much longer than that.  This garage door sensor has worked for a polly picket doll in the past as well so this tape should have more then stopped it.
Lesson learned, no way in Helena Montana will I let my kids run under the garage door again when it is going down.  You never know when the sensor will just NOT work!  It’s a machine, it can break or just not work correctly at anytime and I will not take it for granted again.
Some might think I am being extreme but I don’t think so.  Better safe then sorry!
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Boys snow boots MIA during winter!

I know I have posted about the frustration of shopping for boys before and I have meant to post about snow boots for awhile but keep forgetting.

I and my husband spent 2 month, starting in October and giving up in December, trying to find my 16 month old snow boots.  Yes I said snow boots.  This was a ridiculous game we played that is not a game I want to do again.  We looked everywhere and I am not kidding.  We went to every Walmart and Kmart within 30 miles, which are a lot.  We went to Burlington coat factory, gymboree, children’s place, carters and other stores I don’t know the names.  I even called my friends with boys to see if they had boots that they did not use anymore that would fit my son.

Just a side note, we could have bought my daughter boots in every store we went too.  They had a ton of girls boots.

We then hit every thrift store within that same 30 mile radius and could not even find snow boots there!  WHAT!  I guess all parents who have boys are boot hording for the same reason! LOL

I then ventured to ebay and craigslist, craigslist continued to have NOTHING or if I did not see the posting within the first day of its posting they would be sold.  Ebay was just as expensive as the stores and to add shipping was ridiculous.  I did find 2-3 boots for him but they were $25 or more and if you think I am buying a 1 year old boots for that price you are crazy.  They would only fit him for 4-6 weeks and then I would need another pair.

We ended up back at walmart just before Christmas and bought some girls brown boots and cut the poofy balls off the back and that is what he has used for boots.  Does not look bad.

These boots were $10 so not too bad and I bought t hem a size too big.  They look all warm and fuzzy and we did not check that before we cut the poof balls off but inside where the foot goes does not have this warm fuzzy material.  Good thing we bought them big because we needed thicker socks for his feet.
If anyone who reads this has toddler boots from a size 6 up let me know I will take them. I will take any size over that because they store!  It would be nice to have a half dozen sizes stored up so I don’t have to go through this again for a long time or until he is big enough to find them in stores.  I noticed that after toddler size the boy boots were everywhere, figure that one out!
Just FYI:  I am hosting my first cash giveaway on my weight loss blog.  Entries are free, head over if you want a chance to win!  Here is the link http://tawnasplan.blogspot.com/2011/01/50-cash-giveaway-post.html
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50 US Dollars Giveaway
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This giveaway will END on Tuesday February 15th at 12:01am Eastern Time.
Winner will be chosen using random.org
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There are a ton of different ways to enter I know but I know that not everyone will want to do everything so I gave you options.  Enjoy and have a great time!

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ONE lucky winner!

Contest Ended, winner notified. Thanks to all for entering!

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