Getting my kids to bed on time is SO EASY!

My 4 year old has started to fight a bit when it is time for bed. I have to admit that there are nights that she is up till 10:30pm. This is so frustrating and for those other parents who have young children you know how crabby they can be the next day when they go to bed late and it ruins the whole day for everyone.

My daughter has been asking me to build a fort in her room for a few days so obliged and here is the fort. This is a video of the kids playing in it earlier today. It is definitely an awesome place to play!

The last 2 nights I have had both kids in bed by 8:00pm. Tonight it was 7:45pm and I have loved it! I love my kids and I love spending time with them but ask any parent how much more the kids are appreciated when we get a few hours at night quiet and alone!

The reason for this awesome bed time is the fort. I am not kidding. My daughter is so excited to sleep in it with her brother that when my 15 month old is going to bed around 8:00 at night she is asking to go to and does! Usually either I or my husband has to lay with her until she falls asleep but with the fort she goes in, by herself, and that is it. I check on them within 10 minutes and they are both crashed. How cute is this?

I am going to leave this fort up for another day and take it down to clean and vacuum but as soon as she starts having trouble with going to bed at a decent time again I will put it back up.  When the newness wears off we will see if she has trained her body to go to bed at a decent time and hopefully we can lose the night fight of bed time.  Who knows!  Right now I am just taking it in and loving it!
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Advertising promotion, HALF price for 90 days!

I am doing a advertising promotion for all 3 of my blogs. The regular price for the top ads on my blog are $20 per month and for the bottom $15 per month.

If you would like to post an ad on my blog it is half price for 90 days! That is $10 a month for the top spots and $7.50 a month for the bottom ad spots.

Only requirement is that you MUST leave your ad on my site for the 90 days and the full 90 days has to be paid in full on the first day your ad is displayed. Then it is month to month at the normal rate when the 90 days is up and you can remove it any month after that.

All money exchanged will be through paypal. My paypal e-mail is not the same e-mail associated with this blog so please do submit until we talk.

Please contact me at notaverageguru AT gmail DOT com

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Helpful tips to help me be more positive

OK so after my last post I have been looking for new ways to help me be more positive so I do not have another week like last week.

I was in a meeting the other day and someone was giving a video talk about being positive.  Some of his points were to always be excited and lead by example.  Be happy will attract other happy people.  Don’t focus on where you are now but rather focus on where you are going.

There are more tips then this but I will focus on these today as is baby steps right?

So I have been trying to be more happy and everything these three points say but I have not been overly successful.  I tend to worry about the future and I have been dabbling back and forth with trying to change that as well. One area I have been doing well with that is that I am not fretting as much about money as you may have noticed in earlier posts.  Spending money to receive money has been working OK for me so far.  I tend to find myself still worrying a bit too much though and I know that is why I have not received more.

I worry about where we will be financially in the future, the size of the house, kids college etc.  It is not that we should not think about it but worrying is not going to get me anywhere positive.

I know I have said it before but I have yet to implement it, and this week is the week, I promise.  I am writing down goals and posting them all over my house this week.  I will have pictures up of my goals posted by Monday or Tuesday of next week.  I need to have these blasted in front of my face daily and get it ingrained in the head.

I have more tips to positive thinking too but need to work on the one by one to make them work so will ad more tips and I conquer them one at a time.

Have a GREAT and HAPPY day everyone!

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Turbo jam, walking, cleaning, I am worn out!

Wow yesterday was crazy!  I did 30 minutes of Turbo Jam, had to cut it short because I had a doctors appointment and a house to clean all before 5pm.  I am only a 11 minutes walk, if I walk briskly, to my doctor and could not be OK with driving it.  It was cold and a bit of snow on the side walks but I did manage to saddle up the two kids in the double stroller and make the walk and get there on time!

I frantically cleaned the house and by the end of the night I was so sore.  I definitely burned my calories yesterday and slept like a log last night!

Now today is nice and snowy so it looks like tomorrow will be a fun play day in the snow with my daughter and hopes to build snowman. 

Today’s work out will consist of Turbo sculpt and some plank position (back up to 170 seconds) and possibly will head downstairs to start cleaning the storage room.  Will add some arm and leg weights while I clean.  If I don’t finish that cleaning today I will do it tomorrow with the weights as well.

I will post measurements by this weekend or the beginning of next week!  Feeling good and have energy again since I have healed form surgery and have been exerting energy again!

The link I posted form Amazon is extremely cheap and this is the work outs I have.  Originally they were over $80 but they are not the new work outs anymore but they are still seriously awesome!

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InterStim update, 34 days since stage 2 surgery

If this is your first time here or you have not read my blog for awhile my InterStim journey blogs started back on 11-29-10 and posted through 12-16-10. I may be off a couple days in Dec but it is close. I have logged my journey with both stage 1 and stage 2 of the surgeries.

It is DAY 34 after stage 2 surgery.  has it worked awesome?  Not awesome but at least 50% better, so that is definitely a plus.  What is working is for the incontinence, perfect, it is gone! As far as the over active bladder part…not so much.  Don’t get me wrong, like I said it is better but still not where it should be. 

I have good days and bad days meaning that some days I really notice that I am not in the bathroom so much and other days it is like I was prior to surgeries.  For the most part we are about half and half meaning part of the day is good and the other part I pee a lot still.

I went to my Urologist yesterday for my post opp appointment and he put me back on enablex but instead of the 15mg that I was in prior to surgery, it is 7.5mg.  I was/am a little bummed about this as the whole point of surgery was to get of of meds and now I am frustrated that I am taking them again.  A smaller does is better but still, ugh!

I had turned up my InterStim to about 4.0 and he does not want me to take it up much more so that is why he suggested the meds.  We can still do some fine tuning on the programming but since I am not experiencing good enough results he feels I may still need the meds even with the fine tuning.

Pros of my surgery:
I can work out without peeing myself, so I can jump again.
Half the time it is better, that is still better then before surgery
I have gone on drives for 2.5 hours without stopping to go to the restroom.
When it is a good day, I notice it and it feels awesome!

Cons of my surgery
Only works half the time, of course I was hoping for more.
Still having to fool around with medications.
Feeling down and out on those off days and this is not fum.

So was the surgery worth it?  Oh yes I still believe it was a great thing for me.  The pros out weigh the cons and even my cons are better then they were before the surgery.  I have had bladder issues since I was born.  I was not one of those that only had problems after kids or later in life.  I have had bladder issues ALL my life.  I know that not many people can say that so I knew going into anything that it would be hard to treat me.

Would I still recommend this surgery?  Yes I would as long as someone does their research on both the surgery and on their own personal issue as just like anything else, it is not for everyone.

I will keep you posted on what happens with adding the meds!

One thing I am dreading with the meds is that when I am on them I am constipated a lot.  I did get this under control with extra fiber pills but since I have been of the meds i have not had to take any extra fiber.  Hopefully the lower does works so I won’t be as bad this time!
Never know when the good day will be.

Come back often as I will always be updating my progress.  You never know when I will post about it because I don’t know!! LOL

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Blog Hopping today

I am blog hopping as soon as I finish watching greys anatomy and private practice.  I am going to jog with leg and arm weights during both shows today!

Here are the blogs I am hopping to today.  If not button shows up then I am not sure why as I have been having trouble with my html today

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Blog Hopping today!


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A little embarrassed, I had a break down!

I have not posted for a few days because frankly I am a little embarrassed to admit that I fell off into the deep end this week.

We have been sick in this house and my sons lack of sleep with the cutting of the teeth had taken its toll.  Even with all the affirmations and positive mirror talk I let the no sleep attitude take over and I am not happy about it.

Want to see the icing on the cake?  Here it is…

Yes I know this is a vegetable steamer and yes it put me over the edge on Tuesday night.  I was so incredibly tired and we were out of food and I did not want to pack 2 small kids to the grocery.  I proceeded to look through the cupboards and found that we had all the fixings for homemade sushi and so that is what I started for dinner.
I put the rice and water in the steamer and turned it on.  I then took the 60 minutes it takes to cook the rice and cut up all the vegetables etc for the sushi.  This really does take about an hour to do.  the timer dinged, the table was set, I called everyone to the table and proceeded to the steamer to mix the rice.  Low an behold the rice was not even hot and still raw!  “WTF” cam out of my mouth, not proud of that, but it did.  I looked at the plug and found that I forgot to plug in the steamer.  I literally lost it, full drama and all!  The stupid steamer dial makes the same noise whether you plug it in or now.  I hate that because you think it is working when its not. 
I stomped into my bedroom, in tears, with my hubby asking me “what is wrong.”  I did yell at him the situation and proceeded into our bedroom, slamming the door, and sobbing like a little princess.  My husband cam into the room about 5 minutes later and said “what should we do?”  Oh the wrong words to say, really!  I said, “I don’t care, I don’t need any damn dinner.”  He left and cam out to the kitchen and plastic wrapped the food, turned the rice on, and got the kids down from the table.
I decided I needed a few more minutes to feel sorry for myself and then I came out to see that my hubby took care of things.  At this time he finally gave me a hug and said “it is not a big deal.”  OK so he could have done this before he said “what should we do?”
We sat and watched TV until the rice dinged, I mixed it, we ate, and 45 minutes later i headed to the spare room in the basement to sleep.  I slept form 9pm-7am and did not budge for nothing. 
I felt like a new woman the next morning.  I did not even feel sick anymore after that awesome sleep.  I did feel bad that my husband did not get much sleep but not too bad as I had done it for 13 nights straight without a break and I sure needed one.
I have been trying extra hard ever since to get myself back on my positive track and I am getting better however I am still not where I was before I got sick.
This is a hard process for me and I so bad want to be successful in my journey.  This first week of the new year was very hard and I am glad its over.  I am starting fresh today and going to push myself even harder.
Today I made a weekend resolution to write down my goals because I have not done that yet and I think this is going to be very helpful.  My in laws have a laminater and I am going to laminate them and paste them on my walls all over the house.  I will let you know how this work.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Now off to some blog hopping!

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My kids Firsts today!

Both my kids are experimenting with new ways of eating  today.  My son ate his first meal on an actual plate and as you can see he liked it…A LOT!

The tray was a lot easier to clean this time as it had minimal food on it.  He had too much fun and ate everything!  He got really mad when I took the plate away:)  He loved the bath afterwards too!  I love this age!
My daughter decided to try and artichoke today and was unsure but she gave it a try!

I am glad she like it as it is one my my favorite foods!  She has always been a great eater and will try pretty much anything. My son is not quite as open, as she was at his age, but we will work on him.  I have always strived to keep them eating healthy!

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Working out with Turbo Jam Cardio Party today!

I am back on the turbo jam work outs for awhile!  I have been doing the turbo work outs the last couple days, ever since I signed up to be a beach body coach.

I love turbo jam and if you have been reading my blog since the beginning you will know that in the late witner/early spring of 2009 I did lose some nice inches from turbo jam so we are back on that again!

Yesterday was tubro sculpt and my arms and stomach are sore, but a good sore!

Yesterday I went on craigslist to see if I could find some more beach body work outs, that I don’t have, and found local people selling their work out DVDs for about a fourth of the price.

My next purchase will be Shaun T’s INSANATY and Yoga Booty ballet.  Found quite a few on line for cheap!

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