I have been struggling with my positive thinking over the last 5 to 6 days and it is really bothering me. I can’t quite put my finger on what is wrong exactly but I will catch myself being mad and try to change my out look and I can for a few minutes but then I am back to angry. Anytime when money is needed I do get stressed but have been getting better changing my attitude, but the last few days have been harder then ever. I am not sure if it is the stress of having enough to cover the extra groceries etc for Christmas or if I am PMSing or what. I don’t always know when I am PMSing as I had an endometrial ablation done last year and do not have periods anymore (the best thing I EVER did believe me)! Anyway, I am going to try 100 times harder this week to change my mood.
Something I have noticed big time and more proof that the law of attraction DOES work….I have had everything fall apart over the last few days because of my shotty attitude. Seriously, I have been dropping things, tripping on things, stubbing my toe more and fighting with my daughter more. This is NOT what I want and that is the whole reason I have decided to change my outlook in the first place. I have got to get my head in the game and get back on track TODAY.
UNIVERSE: I am giving you my negative thoughts to take today and I WILL have a great and wonderful day with my family and not stress about such little inappropriate things like money. Tis the season to remember how awesome our families are and how lucky we are to have them. This is and will be my focus from now on. Other things do not matter and will not get me down anymore. I will have a Merry and Wonderful Christmas!
I am saying this out loud every day, 2-3 times a day if I need too!