Another sleepless night!

My son goes back and forth, back and forth, when it comes to sleeping.  I think I have  him sleeping through the night and then we do not sleep for 2-3 nights.  it is very hard.  I had to pull out the play pen again last night and put it in the kitchen so we could try and get a little sleep and I hate doing that but what else can you do?

We don’t feed him, he is not pooping, and he is not sick anymore.  He literally stops crying the second you pick him up and immediately falls asleep in my arms.  He just wants to be held.  I would love to hold him all night but realistically that will not work so now we are back to the bait breaking AGAIN and trying to get him to sleep by himself all night.  He is 14 months old, it is due time!  I/WE are so tired!

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Following my morals will only help

I was battling between a right and wrong choice last night and today and decided that there is not need to battle because the answer is to always stay within my morals.  I truly believe that if you have a choice to make, the only choice, is the honest choice.  I had to do this even though the not so honest choice would pay me some desperately needed $.  I wrote out my whole story on my weight loss blog since the job had to do with weight loss so here it is

It just goes to show that we are temped lots of times in our life and we have to be tested to make the right choice.  I truly believe that making right choices will only enhance my positive law of attraction and I do not regret saying No today.

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Gave up a job that could earn lot’s of $ today

I have been looking for part-time work at home for a couple years now and came across a great, well I thought great, nutrition teaching job yesterday.  I was so excited as this was going to allow me to teach people how to become healthy, yay, right up my alley.

I e-mailed the guy and we scheduled a phone interview and the interview was going great and all I could think was “how cool to be able to teach on my own time again, and help others.”  Well that did not last more than 30 minutes.  Then the word “supplement” came out of his mouth and he said “this is how we earn our money and you can make up to 50% profit on sales.  Really…seriously…this is not a nutrition class this is a selling job, argh!  I don’t mind selling the right things but I cannot every say that diet supplements is the right thing.

Why would I go on such a venture to do my weight loss naturally, without supplements, and then turn around and try to make money of them?  I cannot morally do that even though the money was sweat.  Besides diet supplements come out daily and are typically not FDA approved and I would never want to be responsible for someone having horrible side effects from something I am selling them.  I guess I have too much of a conscious to do that.

Other issues are that typically when people use supplements for weight loss they do not keep the weight off after they are done taking them and then have to go back on them.  No medication whatsoever is safe to take for the rest of your life.  This is why we have so many small lawyers making a killing off of the drug industries anymore.

Anyway, so I said  no.  Bummed that it is not what I thought but feel great because I stuck to my morals and my own personal journey.  Guess I will keep looking!

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Made it 130 seconds today!

It has been one long week (and one day) of this darn cold. I have not done plank in days because my head has weighed about 50 pounds. Today I finally talked myself into it again and believe me I literally had to talk myself into it, I am still tired and snotty! I only could go 130 seconds before I about died. My head was getting heavy and I am still so sleepy feeling.

Let me say this a totally different way, Yay! I can still do 130 seconds in plank position, whihoo!

Hoping to be much better soon!

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Whihoo, I made it to 100!

Thanks to all my wonderful followers I just hit 100 for this blog!  That is awesome!!!  I appreciate everyone out there who finds some joy in reading my posts.  Hope it helps.  Here is to 100 more!

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Why do returns take so long?

Why is it they charge me immediately for things but when they screw up and have to credit back my account or I return something it can take up to 3-5 days to show.  Even if I have them credit back my credit card immediately for something they rang up wrong it still takes days to show the return.

There have been times that I have had literally the amount in my account I need to spend and they screw up and then I get overdrawn because I have to wait for the return.

With technology being what it is and the fact that they can take my money immediately, there is not good reason why they cannot credit me back immediately.

This is my daily vent!

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So did we wake up feeling better today like I intended?

Universe did you hear my intention yesterday?  Well….it was a better night and a better morning.  I actually got 4 hours sleep in a row once and 3 hours the second time.  My nose is done draining and so is my daughter’s.  My sons is still around but there are at least periods that it is not running.  I am thinking that one real good nap for him today should do wonders.

This should be the first day that we get this cold under control!

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Was getting rid of my home phone a good idea?

To save money we got rid of our home phone about a year ago.  Not having a land line has been nice because we only have one phone payment, the ring does not wake the kids up, and we always have our cell phones anyway so what was the point.

Well there is one flaw…teaching my daughter to call 911 in case of emergency.  What if my cell phone is not charged?  Biggest problem is that the newer the phones get the more complicated they are to dial on.  Has anyone tried teaching a 4 year old how to dial on a touch screen phone?  First you have to unlock the screen and then get to the keyboard and oops, you accidentally touched the wrong part of the screen and oops where did the keypad go?  Even if you have one with a keyboard they are not always user friendly either.

So now I go through my tote of old phones and look for an old school cell phone (and hope that i havae the charger somewhere) that is easy to call 911 on or I break down and buy a land line again?  Decisions decisions, what do you think?

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Made awesome tinfoil lunches yesterday!

I grew up making tinfoil dinners over the campfire quite a bit growing up. You can pretty much cut up and meat and vegetables (literally ANY vegetables and a ton of them) and wrap it in tinfoil bake in the over, grill, or fire and after about 30 minutes eat!  No dishes, its awesome.

We use to make these a lot when I was young and drown them in butter and also add onion soup mix.  I don’t do that anymore lol.

Now I cut up everything except the meat in a bowl and add a tablespoon or two (depending on how many I am making) of olive oil instead of butter.  I also added some minced garlic (fresh cloves when I have them), and freshly grown herbs from my herb garden, especially basil and rosemary.

Today I did not have the fresh herbs so I used Mrs. Dash Salt Free garlic spice instead, and only on the top of the chicken so maybe 1/2 tsp.

I like them on the grill or fire the best because it gives you that crispy bottom on the potatoes and yum!  However, in the winter time the oven does just fine.  The awesome part is that if you use very lean meat (I use fish a lot) then you are soaking all y our food in the fat because fish is so low in fat.  The taste of everything is awesome.

The yellow vegetable in the pic is yellow beats and they are very yummy.  Oh and all the vegetables in this pic are organic!

I can’t wait til my herbs come back next spring!  If you try it I hope you like it.

If you cook in the oven I start them at 425 degrees and after about 20 minutes I raise it to 500 degrees for another 10-15 minutes.

Here are the pics:

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Sick but still trying!

Well I still feel horrible but am still trying to stay active.  Went on a walk yesterday, it was short but I added some extra weight to make it worth my while.  Here is my extra weight…

The best gym equipment ever!  I only lasted about 25 minutes total but it was better then nothing.  I was tired so fast and could not breath well but the fresh air was great!  Even my 4 year old daughter said “mom let’s go home and be lazy.”  You know she had to be feeling horrible to say that, she loves walks.
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