Sleep glorious sleep!

Wow, I have had like 4 nights of good sleep and am not sure what to do with myself.

I really only had to put my son in the play pen one night and the next night he slept in his crib.  I really am so happy.  the second night I figured I would start him in his crib and then move him to the play pen when he woke up, but he did not wake up til 7:30am!  So far so good and he is in his crib.  Now I get my dining room/living room back with no crowded play pen.

It is amazing how good you feel after you get sleep isn’t it?

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Blogs I am visiting today

Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums


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Joe’s first 2 steps

I have been posting a lot about Joe Vitale’s missing secret CD’s and on these CD’s he talks about his 5 steps to the missing secret. 

The first step is the easy one for me and that is “what you are complaining about.”  He says that complaining is good because this means you are aware of what you don’t want and what you do want.  This is the “spring board step” to where you want to go.

The key is getting away from just complaining so you can move onto the next step which is stating your intentions.  he says that this step allows you to “move the universe as well as yourself.”

I am kind of in the middle of these two steps right now.  I am trying to complain less and state more and more intentions.  I will go into the other steps in the near future but this is a good start.

It is OK to complain but then the complaints need to turn into action. If you don’t like it change it.  The hardest thing for me and I know for some others as well is to get over the “victim” feeling and face the problem head on and get yourself out of “victim” mode.

Obviously Joe goes into a lot more detail on his CD’s and if this is something you think you may be serious about remember to watch the documentary first (go to the library and get it for free) and then get the CD’s.  it really will help.

More later!

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Not just hungry but starving!

The other day I posted about going to bed hungry but last night I was starving and there was no good reason for me to be so stinking hungry.  I did not give in, well I had a handful of grapes, but I wanted popcorn so bad but resisted.  The thing is that it was not real late either only 9pm when I got real hungry.

it was one of those times that I could not stop thinking about it.  I even turned on the biggest loser and worked out a bit during it to see if  could distract myself but after 20 minutes I was still so hungry I just sat there and fought the urge and finally went to bed about 11pm.  But…I did not eat!  I really wanted to eat and woke up starving still!

it was a hard night for me.  I think the weeding made me extra hungry as I at a little more than usual for dinner, not too much, but more then usual.  So this is a good thing!

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From bottles to straws

It has only been a few days since my son has gone off the bottle for good.  It was an all or nothing kind of deal.  Thought I had him on a sippy cup and he has been screaming his head off for days as he does not want to lean his head back far enough to drink out of it, or rather expend the energy to lift the cup up with the head.

The other day I was wondering why he was so quiet and I could hear someone “gulping” around the corner and thought “cool” he is finally doing it.  Well…not really…he had found my daughters cup with a straw in in and downed the whole thing. 

Well let’s just say that he will only drink out of a straw cup and not a sippy cup.  It is a whole lot easier for him with the straw because his little lazy but does not have to lift the cup!  Oh boy am I in trouble with him right?  He is so stinking cute but he is a lazy little boy sometimes.

Anyways, so not my daughter who is 4 and my 13 month old are drinking out of the same cups.  Oh well, it least the straw cups are better for his teeth anyway so on the bright side that is good.

Love you little buddy!!

Something that you will notice is that he will not totally hold the cup either, look at his hands, he refuses to put the palm of his had no the cup, which is another reason why he will not tilt the sippy cups.  He is too funny!
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Love the play pen!

Oh I got 7 whole hours of sleep last night, YES!  It felt so good.  With all the problems we have had with my 13 month old NOT sleeping  decided to take him out of their room, so he would not keep his sis awake and put him in the dining room in the play pen.

This way he can be noisy and will not wake up Raeanne and I won’t wake up to every little peep and he won’t here me get up to go to the bathroom at night.  He needs to get back into the habit of self soothing at night and this should do it.  It should only take a few days and than we can put him back in his crib with Rae.

Our house is so small that the play pen takes up a lot of room, there is a pic so you can see how cramped it is but that is OK as long as it works.

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Weeding to burn!

I weeded today and I am so sore so you know I burned some good calories today.  I dislike these prickly weeds a ton.  Here are the dumb things

Sorry the picture is so bad but I lost the memory stick for my regular camera so this is from my phone.  These weeds literally grow like ‘weeds!”  i swear i rip these out, by the root every couple of weeks.
I was getting frost warning alerts by the local weather company to my phone and it said “cover your plants or they could die.”  Well why do these weeds not die!  And they are very ouchy to touch.  The tiny little prickly leaves hurt.
Well at least they are out for a few more weeks AND it did give me a workout outside since I have to use the big shovel to get deep enough under the root and bend over every time to throw them behind me.  Then I rake them up in a big pile.  2 hours later I am done and hurt but accomplished something during my work out!
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Can’t let no sleep cloud my judgement!

Trying real hard today to not let my 14 sleepless nights cloud my journey to my positive thinking.  I need to really read my grateful list out loud many times today and gear all my thinking towards the good!

My son is keeping me up at night and I have been better then before as I am not letting myself get so upset that I can’t see straight but I am starting to feel a bit down.  Instead of letting myself go to that dark sleepless space I am going to do everything times 10! 

My life is just starting to head in the right direction and I am not going back!  I love my family and even though my son is keeping me up I would not trade him for the world.  Now off to my happy place!

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It’s all our fault!

Wow it has been one long couple of weeks and it is mine and my husbands fault.

When we moved into this new rental over the summer the two kids have to share a room upstairs next to ours as we cannot feel OK with anyone  being in the downstairs room.  My daughter is 4 and my son is 1 so that just won’t happen for a few years.

We were so worried that any little peep or cry from our son would wake up our 4 year old that we would go in for everyone and give him his pacifier, move him to the center of the bed, or stroke his head.  It even go to the point over the last couple weeks that we were bringing him in our bed about 4-5 in the morning.  We did not give our daughter enough credit as she can sleep through it.

Last night I had enough, I am so so tired!  I left him in his room crying for an hour at a time and my daughter just snored away.  I stayed awake because I was waiting for her to wake up. I ended up staying up from 4am til 8 and at 6:30 I gave  in and brought him into bed with me.

He would not be doing this if we would have just left well enough alone and left him to sleep and make his few noises because they were few and now they are plenty!

My new plan is to set up his play pen as it is a very large one and put it somewhere else on the top floor.  We are going to have to let him be mad for a couple nights but this only took 2-3 nights before to break him of the habit of us coming in to sooth him.  Hopefully by the end of the weekend he will be back in his crib and we can all get some sleep!

Anyone else having trouble with this my advice is, they will be OK and can move themselves if they need to.  He is over a year, he will be OK and can find his own pacifier.  It is hard to hear them cry and I won’t sleep for a couple of nights but at least I will get this habit broke again!

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1.75 inch loss in 8 days!

All measurements in inches

8-19-10                        10-6-10                    Loss or Gain
Bust: 42                         42                            0
Under bust: 36 ¾           36 ¾                        0
Waist: 42 ½                   41 ½                        1 -long time for this inch!
Hips: 45                         45                            0
C-section scar
(measuring around body
where scar is located):43 43                           0
Thigh (1): 25 ¼               25                           ¼

Arm: 12 ½                     12                            ½

My total inches lost = 1.75 inches.

I have not done measurements in about 45 days but I was the same measurements when I started the plank position every day and this was only EIGHT days ago so this loss is really in 8 days and not 45 from my last measurements.
The PLANK is helping with my stomach, thighs and arms and this makes total sense as this works about every muscle in your body. I am going to keep doing this.

I am up to 150 seconds of holding this at one time. It hurts by then but I need it to hurt for awhile so I know it is working. I go up at a few seconds every day; even if I feel like I want to drop I keep going until I am over at least 2-3 seconds over from the day before. It will only get easier and the longer I can do it the more calories I burn.

CARDIO-still not forgetting this! I sometimes jog for 20 minutes in front of the TV and hold my 5 lb dumbbells, but yesterday I put up Halloween decorations for 2 hours, the day before I mopped the floor (without a mop) and I counted those as cardio and I could feel it later so I know it was working.

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