I blacked out the license plate for obvious reasons! It is hard to read so this is what it says:
Dear Dave
Tell your GF your wife and kids say Hi. PS. I cleaned out Bank! You are broke. Heart Nikki and kids
The whole time we were all thinking “holy cow, she caught him at this hotel and this guy is going to come out and see his car.” Then we looked down and saw the DOG tied up to the bumper!
So we all waited and waited to see this man’s reaction. We thought that maybe it was Dave’s dog and his wife was done with it too. Plus we wanted to make sure the dog lived. It was not too hot so the dog was fine! Trust me we wold have watered it if we needed too! Poor dog!
I had to leave after a while but my friends stayed. They called me about 30 minutes later and gave me the update.
The woman and her kids were at the hotel. She wrote that on her car because yes here hubby was cheating. She took the kids and the dog and the bank account money and left. YOU GO GIRL!
If you are a cheater you deserve to be left…sorry but that is fair!
Besides this gave us something to converse about for a few days while on vacation. Now I share it with you.
Be careful if your spouse catches you cheating because the whole world may find out!
Have a great day everyone!
That is too funny! I would never have the guts though.
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~ Mona : )
that's insane! i'm glad the dog is ok! thanks for following my blog! can't wait to check out your blog hops
OMG too funny!
I'm thinking that he got off pretty easy! It is so sad when people cheat on one another. The hurt and anger go so deep. One of my favorite songs dealing with a girl's reaction to a cheating guy is Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats". I wouldn't be surprised if that were in this "Dave's" future, too. I hope this wife and the kids will be OK.
Thank you for visiting and following my blog (P.S. Annie!). I appreciate that very much!
I feel sorry for the dog!!! NOT the DAVE-DOG…..The DOG-DOG!!! Lol
HaHaHaHa…. Good for her!! I lived with a cheater for many years and will NEVER DO IT AGAIN.
My current and last Hubs is so much different than the first.
WOW! Smart lady! Good for her.
Thanks for sharing this interesting peice
That is awesome and funny!!! People should not to cheat on their spouses or bad thing will happen.
Lol! well he has been caught and put up on the internet for the whole world hahaa I wonder what his reaction was when he saw that
Love everything about this except the dog tied to the bumper, no matter what the weather.
Boys… look out for a woman scorned!
oh. wow. Glad the dog is okay
Thanks for sharing, I got a laugh. Poor wife and kids though
Dirty Dave!