Today’s thoughts
Positive anything is better than negative nothing. –From The Road to Success is Always Under Construction
What you see is what you get! –Geraldine (a.k.a. Flip Wilson)
Don’t cry because it is over. Smile because it happened. –Dr. Suess
The second one is/was the hardest for me! What you see is what you get! We have all heard this before and for some reason(s) there are many of us that keep trying to change into something that can never be. Why is that? For me, before my journey, it was the fear that I was never enough.
I went to school for 10 years, got a BS and a MS and still was not satisfied. I was never quite sure why but I just never felt that “finished” feeling. Of course it is great for us to better ourselves but that is not what i was really doing.
I always felt like I had something to prove and I kept saying “well if I just do this then I will feel worth while.” The problem is that I was/am already worth while but I kept letting my head get in the way and telling myself that I needed more! Now I have a $56,000 student loan and no job. Of course I chose to be a stay-at-home Mom right now but if you would have asked me 10 years ago if I were to be one I probably would have said “I have more goals than being a Mom, jeez!”
I am not putting this out there to offend anyone, this is seriously where my mind set was. I always thought I had to have all the pressure of school, career etc to feel like I was worth a darn. Since I have been on this positive energy journey I am realizing that I AM good enough and that I AM worth while.
I always said I would get my PhD in the past but you know what….now….no way! I am not in any way shape or form ridiculing those that have one, I am just saying that my reasons for wanting one were not right and I am not going to let myself get back into something that I really do not want to do.
Do I regret getting an education? Oh NOW WAY! I believe education is important. I justt wish that I would have been OK with myself back in school and the years prior. Maybe I would still have the MS degree, who knows, but maybe not. Who knows where I wold have ended up. I know that I would be in the right place regardless.
I see things in such a different way then I did before and I love it. I am finally starting to believe that “what you get” is just fine!
Have a positively positive day!
I had the same fear every time I graduated…SCARED! It is a hard adjsutment to not be on someone elses "schedule" anymore and that bothered me for a long time. Now that I am remembering, daily, my change from negative to positive, I am seeing less and less fear about so many things I was scarfed of before. Does that make sense.
You are almost done, that is so cool! Congrats girl!
Wonderful!! keep up the positive thinking! We all could use more people like that these days!! Following you back!
New follower from HALT. Great blog! Please feel free to follow me back :)
Your Dr. Seuss quote is one I have a hard time remembering. I always build up to big events and, when they're over, end up depressed. I need to remember that it's the memories that are important, too!
I've gone back to school and am less than a year away from earning my degree. When I realized this, a fear hit me that I wasn't expecting. I just cannot imagine not learning! I guess that quote applies here, too. I need to move on and remember this part of my life fondly.
I agree education is really important. Keep on going and have fun tawna