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OK so the Holiday season is coming up and you all know what that means…FOOD and JUNK!
Now it would be nice to say…”Don’t eat it!” But you and I know that is NOT going to happen. As a society we celebrate with food, it is what we do. Now is there a fine line? Of course! But that means you just have to realize where that fine line is, for you, and work around it.
I have tried so many times to not eat any bad food at a party or during the Holiday season. It sucks, I am miserable, and it just plain, well did I say…sucks!
Sorry but I like to eat and indulge during the festivities so guess what, I will. So what can I do about that NOW and AFTER the holidays.
I am simply going to start my own “weight watchers” guidelines and schedule for myself. This does not mean I have to pay anyone, join any program, or anything. I am going to do this myself. Here is how I see it.
- First and foremost I am going to quit mentally abusing myself when I go somewhere and eat something I “shouldn’t.” starting now. This is the biggest thing, for me, that makes me give up. Trash talking myself like I failed because of one stinking day…dumb!
- Second is I am going to give myself extra cheats during the holiday season. No stress equals happy me!
- Third is that I am NOT going to quit my exercise routine. I WILL still lift weights 2-3 times per week and cardio 2-3 times per week.
- Fourth if I gain a little weight I am not going to think less of myself, as long as I keep exercising and being active then 1-2 pounds over the holiday season is not going to kill me. So January I will lose that 1-2 pounds and keep on keepin on!
So why an I not going to be upset with a little weight gain and be so upset and dramatic about a little food? Well for me it is easy…I actually eat less bad things when I am not calorie counting and stressing about it. When I am thinking all the time that I “can’t” or “shouldn’t” then it is ALL I want to do.
When I just simply let myself do my thing and relax then things happen for me in a positive way, always have. I go to the gym or workout at home more. I choose better food and I eat less because I am HAPPY!
Now don’t get me wrong…indulging every day or most days, like there is no tomorrow is not going to happen either. Besides who really over eats every day and is happy and feels good? If they say they are then I could argue, hell no you aren’t you are just saying that and then crying later how horrible you feel. That is NOT happy!
If I want a piece of cake or chocolate I will have apiece of cake or chocolate. Thanksgiving day and Christmas eve and Christmas Day, ya I will probably be sick…that’s a given for me. But you know…that is only 3-days of overload and probably where my 1-2 pounds will come from.
I am pretty sure that this will work out beautifully and add a lot less stress. Besides with the holiday shopping and parties and all the stressful things coming up, why would I add extra stress and be bitchy all day long because I decided to add extra stress and negative talk and vibes onto myself?
Did you know that for the most part, most people don’t even really have to change their eating habits? I said most not all. This is because 75% of the world is sedentary, meaning, they don’t move! We have jobs where we sit and technology entertainment well…were we sit! So if you ever wanted to lose weight and are very stubborn about your food then may I encourage you to just add 20-30 minutes of exercise per day, even if it’s just walking. Chances are you will lose some weight without changing your diet…just saying. Then you might get hooked into losing and then the diet change may come naturally. Kind of my whole point in the holiday weight watchers for myself. I am NOT going to get rid of my exercise…just getting rid of the body image stress.
Here is to a happy holiday season! Keeping stats on my measuring tape and scale to see how this goes! Anyone want to join me?
Fit After Babies thank you so much for this insight on eating, gaining, paining over eating and gaining during the holidays. I feel exactly the same way but I have learned the hard way not to mentally abuse myself because I want to eat – can’t afford to pay to workout – so I must discipline myself to take care of myself. I can do it – it will take time to change bad habits I have developed over the years – and how I feel about eating period. I only have one temple God gave me and I will take care of it and “clean house” often.