I have been an avid fan of the show Criminal Minds since about the second season. I loved this show and have been recording it for years.
Starting in the 2010 season I really felt that the show was taking a “turn for the worst.” They were showing a lot more crimes involving kids and it started getting more and more graphic. It was getting to the point where if I watched it before I went to bed I could not sleep until I watched a 30 minutes episode of something funny to try and get my mind off of the shows story.
A couple episodes before Christmas I told my husband that if the show did not get better I was going to quit watching it. To my surprise he spike up and said he had been wanting to say that for a while but thought I liked it so much that he did not want to say anything.
Tonight’s show with the Bonnie and Clyde killers was the last show my husband and I will watch as I canceled the series recording of the show. This does bum me out a bit because I LOVE the characters on the show and wish the writers would not have changed it up so much to be so freaking psychotic. Oh well. The older I get the more I feel that if I don’t like something or something is bothering me then “get rid of it!” So I am getting rid of Criminal Minds. You did entertain me for awhile but our relationship is over, sorry CM I am leaving you tonight for good!
Part of my journey is getting rid of the negative in my life and I really do believe that TV plays a huge roll in negativity. If something makes me feel horrible watching it then why would I keep watching it? It’s not going to do anything but put bad thoughts into my head and steer me away from my positive happy journey. I am sure this will not be the only show I say good bye too in my near future. This is just the first.
I have actually never watched that show. But if you didn't like that then you would probably hate Law and Order SVU its pretty graphic but the thing about it is they adapt mostly all of the stories from the headlines which means there is some truth in what is going on. I know those shows aren't for everyone but I have been a Law and Order fan since I was in junior high and will probably be one until they cancel it all together (I am praying they never do). Well anyway wanted to show some comment love and tell you I am your newest follower via the Blog Hop and you can find me at The Mommy Chronicles
Well, if it makes you feel bad I guess you're doing the right thing! I think CM always has been quite terrifying though… they always had the worst cases compared to CSI and the likes.
Just found you through Mama's Little Nestwork and wanted to let you know I totally understand! Especially since my first son was born, I've become more and more sensitive when a show starts getting too graphic. I've cut out at least two shows that were my favorite at one time and it was so hard to do at first. But now it's been long enough and I can feel a change for the better in myself. So, I say good for you (and for your hubby for being on the same page)!
A similar thing has happened over here with one of our most popular soap operas. It's been running for many years but recently the writers changed and the storylines have become ridiculous. But I love the show and really don't want to stop watching.
CJ xx
I was never gutsy enough to watch it (I'm a big pansy) but I feel for you. It stinks when you love a show but have creative differences with it!