I am going to giveaway 6 FREE samples of Shakeology and you only have to do ONE thing to enter!
Giveaway has ended and I am e-mailing the winners
My website is http://fitafterbabies.com
check it out!
Mandatory Entry:
Give me a website name! I am in the process of making a website and the 6 items below is what will be included on it.
It is mainly for fitness and exercise.
1. My Beachbody before and after pics.
2. My Beachbody store link
3. My journey to a Healthier me blog
4. My self-help story (story behind my mental journey to this blog along with my physical)
5. My random thoughts blog link
6. My InterStim Journey before and after the permanent implant for overactive bladder.
I need a URL name and title for my website that is catchy and one that people will remember. I want it to be geared more towards Health but also broad enough that I can include the few things listed above that are not included in weight loss and exercise.
Give me a name and your e-mail and I will narrow it down and pick the winner! I will actually have 3 winners as there is always the possibility that my favorite one(s) domain names will be taken. So I will be giving away 18 FREE samples of Shakeology.
If you win you will receive, from me, 3 chocolate and 3 Greenberry Shakeology samples! That is a pretty sweet freebie! That will give you a great body cleanse!
To learn more about Shakeology visit my Shakeology website by clicking on the image below!
I am hoping to have this website up by July 15,2011. This giveaway will end anytime before July 15,2011 when I receive the PERFECT name!
How about Shaking Booty?
Gisele Brosseau
The name: "SHAKE IT UP!"
FB follower and GFC
Shake It UP!!!! would be a good name
FB like Leanne Gagnon
This is Lisa's husband… If you are looking for a new domain name, remember SHORT and easy to remember is key (and it has to be a .com, of course)… I'd suggest something like… drumroll please…
I checked, and yes, it is available.
Here are few of my ideas:
Tawna's Healthy Quest
Quest to be the Best
Tawna's Adventures in Life
Healthy Journey to a Happy Life
Be Healthy, Be Happy
O.k., out of ideas!
Don't laugh and It won't bother me if you don't like it. Kind of sounds like what you have now only different.
My Procession To A Happier Healthier Me
Moving Ahead for Health and Happiness
Forging Ahead In Search Of Health And Happiness
Or how about this…
If Mamma ain't happy… ain't nobody Happy.
terrylee5151 at aol dot com
Healthy ever After
Good luck with the blog and I will be keeping up to date as I need some inspiration!
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
How about
My Path to a New Life
My Journey to a New Life
sounds like a great name to me, I read up on you some, seems you have had weight issues & health issues(me too)and your on a new path.. a new way of life.. a new life style… Healthy Living! congrats to You!
they call me turq but my name is Donna, nice to meet you Tawna.. I'll be back to read up on how your doing.
Following your blog also, please visit me.
How about Terrifically Tawna?
wowknk at gmail dot com