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Mine and ny husbands daily supplements
I have said it before and I will say it again…it is hard to eat 100% of your nutrition every day. Yes it can be done and few, very few actually do it. I try real hard to eat healthy … Continue reading
Posted in Diet NOT, Food, Reviews, Supplements
Tagged best calcium, calcium pills, capsule inerals, capsule vitamins, daily nutrition, daily pills, daily supplements, encapsulated calsium, encapsulated pills, encapsulated supplements, nutrition, pills for food, powdered calckum, supplements
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Should I really say NO?
So my son has been a really picky eater lately. Well he was born picky. It is hard not to compare him to my daughter because she came out a great eater. She loves healthy food and even asks for … Continue reading
Posted in Random Thoughts
Tagged child nutrition, children, diet, dog food, dogs, eat healthy, eating, get kids to eat, health, healthy, kids, kids diet, kids eat, kids health, kids not eating, kids nutrition, no bake cookies, no eat, nutrition, raise children, raise kids, shakeology