Today was rough!
I went from 11 days of no exercise and got a cold from the stinking airplane. I tried to do a 20 minute Turbo Jam today and I made it 16 minutes!
My head was about to explode about 2 minutes into it, I felt dizzy and I just felt worn out. UGH! I think I need another day to ease myself into it. I hope m y head clears up soon because that sucks to try and workout with a snotty head!
I will attempt the 20 minute workout again tomorrow. If i make it all the way through then I will add the Ab Jam and then hopefully by the weekend I am back onto my P909X as well!
Wish me luck!
I hope I have the same guts as you. I need to do exercise too but I always say next time, next time until I realize that I didn't do any exercise at the end of the day. You really inspire me
thanks and thanks for following my Gagiers Striking Zone this blog of your's is already bookmarked:-)
You will get there… just like you did before.
Today is a don't fret day!!
It is always hard to get back into full swing after you are sick, but the important part is you tried. 16 min is great! Keep it up!
all that matters is you tried… it always takes time to get back into full swing after you are sick. 16 minutes was great! Don't give up.
Thanks for looking in on my blog. Hope your cold is getting better.
Hey, 16 minutes of a 20 minute workout isn't that bad! At least you tried considering you've got a cold. If it were me, I'd have used the cold as an excuse NOT to exercise.
Hope you feel better soon.