And she gave it to 2-friends, and he gave it to 2-friends and so-on…get the picture?!
I had one of those random thoughts the other day and I am not able to believe how long it has taken me to even think about this. First off let me say…think twice before borrowing that cell phone, tablet or lap top!
I have and am guilty of using my phone whether it is surfing the web, checking social media status, e-mailing, watching Netflix, or what have you. I am definitely one to wash my hands after every restroom visit but have I ever washed my phone…ugh NO! So when someone uses a phone, tablet, or lap top that has visited the restroom with it’s owner in their hand or lap, what could we be giving each other in addition to an borrowed electronic you might ask?
Not only at bathroom time but hands wipe faces, noses, kids noses, stop sneezes and are pretty much the germ grabber award winner.
We sure do have a lot of bacteria and viruses going around all the time and most of us our taught to squat in public restrooms so we don’t actually touch the germ filled toilet so why don’t we start teaching our kids to not borrow electronics either and see if maybe some of the passed around sicknesses diminish.
So next time you decide to do take the electronic companion in the bathroom think about just saying NO to others who want to borrow your devices! Or just quit surfing on the pot…LOL!!