I have had a little frustration during this realm of P90X with my hubby so I have changed up my exercise routine a bit.
I am no longer waiting for him anymore because he finds a lot of excuses to not do the workouts with me anymore. If I workout earlier in the day and he wants to workout I will do a second workout with him but I cannot afford to put it off til he gets home and then waiting
until 11:00pm for the night to be over, me tired, and going to bed frustrated.
We did get a bike trailer for the kids and we have taken a couple bike rides, which is perfect. However we just found the reason why the inner tube keeps busting, a bent rim, and we can’t fix it we can only replace the tires. This is a big bummer because it costs $60 for replacement tires. ARGH!
See…he is an all or nothing kind of guy. He really wants to do the bike riding thing and I totally respect that. However, since the trailer thing is put on hold now he is upset about it and does nothing. I get frustrated because, OK it broke, so lets do another type of workout. he does not see it that way.
So instead of getting frustrated with him I am working out by myself…AGAIN! Oh well, I will quit whining. The last time I just shut-up the feeling sorry for myself and kept to my routine and eventually he joined me. So this is what I will do again. The $60 for the tires is going to have to wait 30 days or so. I guess if he wants to wait 30 days too that is his prerogative, I am not waiting though!
My friend who used to live 20 minutes away now lives 2/5 minutes away. We are meeting up at 6am an walking for 60-90 minutes and I love it! That on top of yard work and kids and Turbo Jam during the day is going to rock. If my hubby wants to workout after work then that will just be a bonus!
Have a great day everyone!
If you have some time check out my giveaways (so far 5) I have going on! Each image will take you to each one!
Hey! Funny I should visit now. I just left Mommyologist.com. You should check her out if you haven't already. the first 20 people get a free handbook called 30 Days to a Slammin Hot Bikini Body.
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Thanks for stopping by Life With Two Boys.. I'm following back
And I appreciate kicking your butt Janet! Have fun getting up even earlier tomorrow! See you friday!
I appreciates the butt kicking it takes to get me out of bed so early! Hate it but I feel sooo much better when we do it! Getting it done first thing in the am means I can't come up with an excuse. (mostly because I haven't had my coffee yet and my brain isn't working.)
I do my work outs at 6am and I love it. My days seem better once I start them with sweating lol
How great to have a walking buddy!! I can't get my Hubs out very often either… Sigh!