I was so upset at him this morning because we have been having this horrible ice storms and it turned into snow this morning and the roads are terrible and was planning on driving 3 1/2 hours to Cleveland today like it was not big deal.
He goes to Cleveland every week for one night and for the past 4 weeks the weather has been utter hell! The storms this week with the ice have been the worst. There are times he will say to me “had a few close calls on my 6 hour drive home last night but did not say anything to you earlier because I knew you would worry.” This gets me every time.
His job was not suppose to have him gone this much, out of town, but for the last year and a half that is part of it and I HATE it!
So back to this morning. I asked him, begged him, to call his boss and ask him if he could go up Thursday to Friday instead. It does not really matter what day he is up there, it only matters that he is up there. The weather for both here and Cleveland is ridiculously better so I felt more at ease if he would do this. Well this turned into a heated argument and you know what his argument was “well that does not fit into the normal schedule.” Are you freakin’ kidding me? Did he really just say that. I went back with ” a schedule is more important then you safety, you have 2 kids you know.” He was not bending and it was not helping that I was getting upset. We did not resort to yelling yet but we did get more stern in our voices.
I could not help it, I started to tear up and cry. That was it, he left for work and he kissed my forehead and was gone.
I thought for sure I was going to be in a panic all day and all night until he got up to Cleveland safe but 2 hours later I get a text “talked to boss and he is fine with Cleveland for Friday.” It was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I text back, “awesome, thanks for asking.” I wanted to make sure I told him that I appreciated him asking.
I don’t think he would have called his boss if I ddint’ cry…seriously. Sometimes as women we can use crying to our advantage. I did not cry on purpose but hay it worked! He is home safe and yes it is still ugly outside!
Thanks everyone! It drives me nuts, this winter has been so bad, it seems every week is another freaking miserable wed-thurs.
Otwonmommy: thanks for the compliment! I am glad you enjoy reading it!
You know – he probably sat on the idea, or talked to other people that said "your crazy to drive up there". I agree I have heard the "well i didn't want you to worry" line too. that angers me most because NOW i am super worried about the stuff you might not be telling me in case I worry! H was driving around work in the snowstorm yesterday- i was worried sick. His bosses sent everyone home early thank goodness!
BTW- I am really enjoy reading your blog
I know exactly what you are talking about… and it just irks me when I cry like that.
Oh, I so know how you feel! My husband worked out of town for almost 3 years, and everytime he left was the worst feeling in the world. I cried many times in those years. Things will get better, it just takes time…