There have been many times that I have felt irritated because I have let myself think that I was/am on this positive thinking journey by myself. I came to realize in the last few weeks that most of this was my fault (about 90%). Let me explain….
When I first started this journey, I was mad all the time and who we are always mad at first…our husbands, or wife if you are male and married, or significant other depending on your relationship.
Everything came crashing down (read my who’s Tawna tab for the full story and first blog post), and it seems that humans tend to want to always blame those closest to them because we want to put the weight on someone else’s shoulders because we do not want to own up to our own issues. We all have issues, right?
Anyway, when I first started this journey I blamed my husband for pretty much everything. This stemmed from what I could not do because of money, time etc. If I had a bad day, you name it I blamed him. It was all this daily negativity that made me feel like we would not make it and I was miserable. I kept this journey secret as well. I am not totally sure why I did but I think it had a lot to do with the “blame game” I was playing with him.
It was harder at first to change anything and I really do believe, passionately” that this had everything to do with my attitude. It was not until a few weeks ago when I shared my vision chart with him and started communicating my journey with him that things started to change and a lot!
Last night we had a great positive conversation about goals, dreams, etc. We have been working out together for a couple weeks now and it seems to be getting easier to talk about anything and everything.
See…the problem was that I was not letting him in and giving him the benefit of the doubt that he could do this with me. I had to release my negativity towards him to let him in and things have been 100% better. There are many times when things start getting negative that I can stop and say “quit being so negative, I don’t want that in our home.” This allows us to talk through our problems or concerns and figure them out. Because he knows about my journey he is not taking it too personal and getting frustrated with me.
We have been a lot more cuddly and passionate with each other and we are truly starting to enjoy each other as each other’s best friend. Attitude is everything! I always said it in the past but now I truly believe it! It all starts with me!
Have a wonderful day everyone! Every day we are happy an positive is a perfect day!
Good post. Stay positive. I've always lived by a personal motto: I choose to be happy.
Visiting on the hop from Edge of Escape
Think positive, stay positive.
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Classic NYer:
You are absolutely right! I have a problem of trying to force change when it will never happen and it is frustrating!
I usually have the opposite problem: I try to take responsibility for things that are beyond my control. I think a good mantra is if you can change it, do, and if you can't, leave it be.
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Very insightful…makes a lot of sense.