Waking up in the morning is hard but today it was not so difficult.
My son usually wakes up around the time my husband leaves to take my daughter to school. This morning he got up about 5 minutes before all of our alarms. That 5-minutes is a lot of time when it comes to sleep. I was dreading the wake up and then this little happy guy comes in and says something that just made my whole day.
He came over to my husband’s side of the bed. My husband responded to his wake up call and my son preceded with the following wakeup call…Daddy, I have a “penis.” My husband chuckled and said, “OK.” My son then says, “Daddy you have a bigger penis and I have a small penis.” My husband says “ok” again and at this point we are both laughing. Then my son says “Mommy doesn’t have a penis…she has a CHINA.” OMG we were laughing so hard. As soon as he says that he crawls in bed with us and at that point we were wide awake.
Oh my, what a way to wake up. Kids crack me up. I so wish I would have had my video camera on…
Lol too cute. Always good to start the day off with a laugh!
Lol. I love kids. They say the darndest things.
What in the world goes on in a little kid’s head? Sometimes they think they hear a word– but they hear it wrong…. or just say it wrong…. or sometimes they put 2 and 2 together and come up with 13. ?!?!
That is so funny!! You will get laughs out of that for years to come!
Get a book and write this stuff down so you don’t forget it! haha! Well…I guess you blog about it, so that is a good a record as any. Kids sure do say the darndest things!
Oh my… I have a little girl, so I can only imagine what she will come up with when she is his age!! Thanks for sharing, this was cute!
Omg that is too funny, thankfully my little niece hasn’t gotten that far yet, but with her talkative self Im sure this is gonna come too soon for me
That is so cute! They say the funniest things sometimes. My daughter is good for that kinda stuff too!
Haha this just made my day. This is the funniest thing I have read all day long! Thank you for sharing.
Kids are to funny.
That is a funny one… At least he did not decide to share all his knowledge in the middle of the grocery store and in a really loud voice! LOL Kids are GREAT!
That is the most adorable thing I’ve read in so long. Definitely made me chuckle. Kids are just absolutely priceless with the things they say.
That is the cutest story ever and a great wake up call. I am a new and proud grandma, so we haven’t had little ones in the house for a while, but I am having the best time with him.
Haha that is hilarious, so adorable! I can totally see my daughter saying something like that!
My daughter is almost 5, and I don’t know if she’d be as knowledgable on the subject as yours at that age. Kind of scares me to think of the things we’ll have to explain and experience.
waking up early is always difficult.
LOL, yes the little ones say the most random things out of nowhere. I guess it keeps us on our toes.
Hilarious! What a way to wake up.
Ya it was definitely a great wake up call
I bet that was so funny! My little boy always seems to do something that can have me laughing til I cry.
That is great! So glad to know that my kids aren’t the only ones that share their body knowledge!
That is awesome, and it is going to be more awesome as you retell it for the rest of his life at his graduation, wedding, etc….:)
omg this so cracked me up ya just never know what is gonna come out of the mouth of babes
So funny Thanks for sharing. It is refreshing to hear that someone besides me uses the real words and not non words that cause confustion. Which I learned the hard way. My family’s word for a womans Vagina was Punkie. Well when me oldest son was around for years old was otherwise schooled, when a new show debuded and the little girls name was, Punkie Bruster. He was so shocked. I srtill find my self laughing to think about it.
I totally knew where this was going when I saw the title. I was laughing before I even read it. SO hilarious!!! My daughter calls it a Guyna. I die a little every time she says it.
Oh my gosh that is so funny. I wonder if his penis woke him up early