The past few years we have had a lot more really large bugs in our area due to the weather int he winter time not being super cold. We and some cold days but not a lot so the bugs thrived.NOT this winter I tell you.
Before Christmas break we already and two school snow days, which never happens. Today was the topper for me…
It was minus 2 degrees F this morning and finally hit zero degrees an hour after my hubs left for work! Guess what it will be in 2-days…MINUS 13 degrees F! WTFriday…it is freezing!!!! So much for all the global warming hype eh? This winter proves it is still COLD…beyond cold!!!
How is your weather?
Remember I want your WTFriday moment to share!
I am glad that it is finally warming up again…I hate the cold and especially when it gets below freezing.
It’s above 0 where I live, and I would love that the temperature would go higher for a bit because it’s cold..
Live in the tropics. Would just love it if it could get cooler!
Ugh I might trade your for a month!!!
would love to see snow here in country but I dont want to see street people suffering from this kind of weather
Remember though – it is climate change, not global warming. Regardless, this is painful cold! Every dog needs a coat and boots.
It has been so cold here! Not in the negatives, thankfully, but still very cold!
It has been crazy weather here in NY. Bittter cold and snowy, warmed up so all the snow melts, and not bitter cold again (yet sunny). Wish the snow didn’t melt!
I live in Nebraska, and trust me….I know what you are posting about! Actually, it doesn’t matter where you live, everyone is freezing! The only time I want to see the white stuff is on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! Now….when will Spring be here? haha
I live in hot and humid UAE. Right now it’s a really short period of winter going on so I enjoy it. It never went to the negatives though!. I wonder how that would be…
You are so so SO right about the increase in number of bugs when there is not enough of a long hard freeze to kill them off. We here in Southern Arizona know this all too well, and we very much would welcome a long hard freeze here any time now, (although many households would be poorly prepared for this).
Brrr!! The windchill is the worst. (-25)
I’m glad to have a fire going today.
The weather has been so crazy here too. It was -10 yesterday, now we have a snow storm and it’s 33. 33 is starting to feel like summer!
Yuck! I hate the cold! Its bad down here in the south too!
It’s cold here in PA, but my husband and I are about to move to MI, so we better be prepared for even colder temps!
Yes, it was so cold up in Canada that I cracked my windows from
trying to scrap the ice off. We had a major ice storm a couple weeks ago
which left a lot of people without power over the Christmas holiday
Oh man…now that’s cold!
25 degrees in central IL this morning & the snowpocalypse has begun! Snowing & blowing hard right now with promises of 1″ per hour throughout the day. Bring it on, I’m excited!
lol we tossed waterin the air last night and it froze as soon as it hit the air!!
That is beyond cold, I will agree with you! I live in Georgia, so I can’t really complain. The weather here is just bipolar-so wacko!
I can’t complain since I live in Southern california… but it’s cold here too – for us anyway! We tend not to own warm enough clothes for the winter we’re having, and most homes are poorly insulated.
Ya you get climatized for wherever you live. However I will trade yoy states for one week…lol
I’m in NM it’s been in the 50’s day with mid 20’s at night. I’m so happy I live in NM and not Iowa now.
ughhh i hate this weather cant wait till spring my favorite season not to hot not to cold
Spring is my faborite too
It is now 28 with a high of 46, no chance of rain/snow/etc. I hate the cold!
Our temps here hover between the 80s and 90s over here in the tropics.
I’ve already had enough winter time. I’m tired of the cold and am ready for spring to come.
I know. Spring countdown has begun in our house today.
It is 20 deg. today. This is our ‘low’ so far. It has not snowed, and I’m becoming extremely jealous of all of my FB friends who continue to tell me about their terrible snow
I think I may need to start going North for the winter in order to get my snow fix lol. We may see some snow by the end of January, here in NC, but I don’t plan on holding my breath! Stay warm where you are!