Categories: Random Thoughts

Do you like “RAT” Music?

I hope you will share!

This made me laugh and I need something to make me smile this morning so I am making a quick post about it.

The other day my daughter and I were driving in the car and a rap song came on the radio station and my daughter says, “Mom, do you like rat music?”

I said, well I like some rap music but I have never heard of rat music, did your dad have you listen to an older group named Rat?”

She says “Mom, this is rat music on the radio right now.”

Me “Oh sweetheart you are too funny, it’s called Rap music.”

Her, “Mom, it’s called Rat!”

Me: “Again sweet heart, it is Rap music, you just heard it wrong, it sounds like Rat but it’s Rap.

Her: “Mom, I know what I am talking about, it’s Rat.”

Me: “Rae, “how old are you?”

Her: “Five.”

Me: “How old is Mommy?”

Her: “40!”

Me: “Do you think I maybe know more about music then you do?”

Her: “Mom you did not know it was Rat music and I did.”

Me: Long pause…”OK sweetheart, you listen to your Rat music.

Really…why try arguing with a 5-year old. It does not get you anywhere!!!

Have a great day!


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (2)

  • How funny!! I like very little Rap music and I hate Rats...

  • *lol* I get the same attitude from my 8 yr old daughter when it comes to all things dinosaur.

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