Categories: Mental Health Journey postsPhysical Healthy Journey posts

Get out of UR HEAD and into UR HEART!

I hope you will share!

UGH I was so tired today. I had every excuse I could find to try and talk myself out of working out and i finally told myself to “quit whining and be positive and get your butt in gear!” So I put in the Turbo Fire!




Today’s workout consisted of TWO 30 minute workouts. The 30 minute Fire and then a 30 minutes sculpt. Before I even started the Fire class I had already talked myself out of the second workout…sculpt.

I stared the 30 minute Fire and was not feeling it for the first 10 minutes or so but as I started going, I felt better and better. When I got to the last 10 minutes, so it had been 20 minutes now, I was fine with doing the second 30 minute workout, sculpt.

It is funny how we can feel so crappy and think that it is better to not workout, and then as we start to do it, we realize how much BETTER we feel. So why is it we, meaning “I,” am forgetting this when i am tired?

I made it through both workouts and I am so glad I did not let myself wimp out. The problem is that it is sooooooo easy to let the excuses win and they almost did today. It is not sunny out, I have not had much sleep at all (been picking out lice all weekend) and you name it, I had it.

So in the end, I bucked up and quit feeling sorry for myself and made myself accountable. BAM I burned calories and feel great!

Sometimes you just got to get out of your head to get into your heart! Wow I like that one, just came to me:)

Have a great day everyone and get your workout in no matter what! We can ALL do this!

Oh and you know I am tired today because I wrote THIS POST to go on this blog and accidentally posted it on my Random Thoughts blog. UGH I left it there so head on over and read it if you want! I feel good however, a little off today. Oh well!



My latest blog posts for my random thoughts blog:

Holy cow can I afford this?

Gotta love Kindergarten and LICE


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (1)

  • I was just thinking that I need to go down and do my exercises.... Yuck!! But..... they do keep my back in shape.

    Hahaahhaa.... thats what happens when you have more than one blog and not enough hours in the day to sleep. Love you!!

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