Categories: Random Thoughts

Homemade Bugspray

I hope you will share!

 I have tried  many homemade all natural things in the past  and have not been very happy with them.  But, when I went to my friend’s house a couple weeks back to do go to a pool party outside she had made  and essential oil bug spray that I was skeptical to use  as mosquitoes love me more than most people. I was pleasantly surprised that it actually worked on me and my kids and pretty much every other person sitting at the party watching the kids swim. Let me tell you it’s not like there weren’t any bugs that day because there were a ton of bugs flying around that we’re not biting my legs arms and neck. I decided to go ahead and share the recipe on my blog So others may benefit from this awesome concoction. As you can see from my picture I made two bottles however, I have a whole ton of ingredients left to make this over and over again at least a dozen times if not more. The oils themselves only cost me about $30 and the witch hazel and the distilled water were under $10 because I bought two bottles of witch-hazel and two gallons of distilled water so I still have that left too. 

Ingredients are:

equal parts of witch-hazel and distilled water.

30 – 50 drops of each oil; Lemongrass, Lavender, Cedar, and Tea Tree. I went with 40 drops of each which is like .4 of a teaspoon if you need help with the calculation.

That’s it! Put it in a bottle mix it up and use away.

The 40 drops of each oil barely even made a dent in my oils so I have plenty for my diffuser or to make this over and over again.

I’m usually the first one to get eaten by mosquitoes and I get a ton of them and they swell up and itch and then they’re sore later. My friend’s house is also out in the country and there were trees everywhere in fact we sat under two trees and she has a huge backyard and the neighbors had trees and they got a bunch of bushes that they use for fence so there was mosquitoes absolutely everywhere.

I did not come home with one single bug bite. I hope others have the same results that I did because this is awesome because I hate bug spray as the deet is very horrible for you. This also smells a whole lot better.

I would love to hear any one of my readers try this and how it works for them.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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