Categories: Food

How I make the best jello

I hope you will share!

I don’t know about you, but I hate it when I make Jell-O and it makes that thick gelatin layer on the bottom so when you’re scooping out the Jell-O it’s kind of hard on the bottom. It’s kind of the texture of the jello jigglers, but even harder and it grosses me out.

I made Jell-O o for a couple of people a little while back and they both told me that I needed to share how I do it because they don’t like that layer either.

What I do is super easy. I simply follow the directions on the box but

there are a couple things I do differently. First of all when I boil the hot water and mix it in the bowl I let it sit for about 5 minutes after I mix it. Then I mix it again and pour that Jell-O into a different container that the Jell-O is going to set in. When you do this you can see the hard scummy layer on the bottom of the original bowl. I’ve never been able to get rid of that layer keeping it in the same bowl to set. Second I don’t add the cold water to it, I add the all hot water. This may seem a little tedious but after I pour it into the second bowl I simply just
cover it with a paper towel for about 20-30 minutes to let cool on it’s own. I put a lid on the container after the wait time and put it in the fridge. That’s it. So the layer on the bottom is not as thick and nasty so I can actually eat the entire container of the Jell-O and not throw away the bottom portion.

This may not bother some people but I don’t like the texture of the thicker Jell-O.


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JELL-O Gelatin Variety Pack, 36 Ounce

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