Categories: Random Thoughts

My Husband’s BAD HABIT…ARGH!!!

I hope you will share!

Have you seen the movie called Date Night? If not, I would recommend it. It holds a dear place in my heart, as the husbands bad habit in the movie, matches one of my hubby’s habits.

Leaving his doors open, the kitchen cupboards open! You name it, he does not shut it!

In the movie the wife walks into the open cupboards and drawers all the time. It so happened I watched this movie with my hubby and every time I would say, “see it hurts!”

This picture of his dresser was taken AFTER the movie, so obviously he did not get it.

I even tested him! Go to page 2 at the bottom of the post to read how I did this.

When I saw the dresser opened like I showed you, he was in the shower. I knew he would have to come back in the room to get clothes out so I decided to make it hard to see if he would move or close anything. Here is what I did.

I put the close basket there, a shirt and a pair of shoes, that you aren’t able to see i n the picture. He would literally have to step over them to get to the dresser. Now…notice the second drawer from the top.

I went into the living room and waited. I heard him get out of the shower and go into the room. He cam out dressed and this is what it looked like AFTER he got into the dresser.

Are you kidding me? Do you notice the picture almost looks the exact same but the second drawer he pushed ind? Not even all the way pushed in.

He actually walked over and around everything and did not move one thing! he had to have hit his legs on the bottom two drawers while getting into the top two drawers! I know this because his underwear and socks are in the top drawer.

Holy cow, I just stood there and did not know what to say.

Oh and BTW, those are his clothes piled up in the corner too. I put mine down the laundry shoot which is about 10 feet away. Oh and the clothes basket in the picture was sitting right next to his pile on the floor before I moved it. So not only can he not walk 10 feet to the laundry shoot, apparently the basket was entirely too far from the corner as well, lie 2 inches!

So as a woman that is married to a “Momma’s boy” as his Mom did EVERYTHING for him til I came around I have learned something. It does absolutely no good to our boys to baby them so much and never teach them how to clean up after themselves. I am pretty sure there has to be a lot of divorces because of this. Why do some women think that the boys need to be picked up after and the girls have to learn to do house work.

I have already made a plan to teach both my kids, boy and girl, how to do simple house chores. Like my Mom did. Even my brothers had to do their own laundry come a certain age, not just me and my sister. It does not do them any good to be babied forever! Besides it makes for a very pissed off wife in the future. I already have 2 kids,I don’t need a third!

Believe it or not I have broke him of a lot of bad Momma’s boy habits. This one is a little tougher. However, I do not pick it up, I let it pile up enough that he gets sick of it and puts it away himself. I am a wife and a mother, not a paid made. If he paid me I would wipe his butt, but he doesn’t so he is out of luck! I do love him, just not his stinking bad habits!

Have a good one!


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" admin : ."

View Comments (5)

  • OMG!!!!!! are you married to my husband??
    I have the same bedroom! clothes and clutter everywhere.
    Nothing seems to work...................

    • Carole:
      Maybe we should let our hubby's live together for a month and see if they drive each other nuts!!!!

  • Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, Tawna! My Hubs leaves my kitchen cabinets open all the time. Pizzis me off!

  • Tawna,
    I absolutely agree with you that boys need to be taught these things. I have also thought that babying boys has been the cause of many marital problems. I don't understand why some parents treat boys so differently from girls in that respect. It shows respect for your spouse's efforts when you at least pick up after yourself. But don't worry, we all deal with these challenges at some level in our marriages.

    • Ya Joanne, it could be a habit that is a whole lot worse I know! Challenges=marriage right?!!!

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