Categories: Pay it forward Friday

Pay-It-Forward Friday

I hope you will share!

This week I did not do anything too dramatic for paying it forward but a few little things indeed so that all adds up too.

I also want to share a giveaway I posted on my other blog for a ToiletTree Professional Skin Care System so you can visit that review and giveaway here.

Now onto this weeks paying it forward:)

This week I did my daily pick up the trash that did not gross me out too much when my kids and I were out and about. I found a couple items at the grocery that were put back in the wrong spot and it was not out of my way to put them back so I did:) One of the items was a cold item and was left in a regular isle…that is just rude to leave it there if you ask me. I also helped an elderly woman read a product label and price as she was having a hard time.

All-in-all all my things this week were pretty minimal and easy but in the grand scheme of things they all helped so I guess every little gesture is worth the time it takes to do it!

I would love anyone else to share there story of giving and receiving a pay-it-forward gesture.

Have a great week and Happy Turkey Day next week for those of you that celebrate it!!!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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