Categories: Physical Healthy Journey posts

Pure plyometrics…not for me!

I hope you will share!

I am a Beachbody Coach and I LOVE their workouts. I have a confession to make though. I started, and got to week 5, of Insanity and had to change my workout back to P90X and Turbo Fire. Insanity is an awesome way to burn fat and calories but the plyometrics just killed me!

I thought I have always had pretty strong ankles but I think my age is getting to me a bit. I swear that I could have done this workout in my teens and even to my early 30’s but in my 40’s… not so much.

I burned fat and felt great but starting week 3 my ankle and knees were really starting to bother me. By the end of week 5 I had to be done. There is a ton of plyometrics in Insanity. If you are younger or are able to jump a lot and not get hurt then I would really recommend this workout…it works!

TurboFire is a staple in my life…I LOVE it! I am doing that now with P90X and loving it. Turbo Fire does have some plyometrics in it, but it is shorter and 1 minute at a time. It does not hurt me as much so i do it. P90X does have a plyometrics workout but I just don’t do that one anymore. I do the Cardio X or the stretch on those days.

So, I am still getting an awesome workout, but changing it up to suit me. If anyone out there has finished Insanity and has lived to tell about it please share with me and my readers.

Have a great day!

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