Categories: Physical Healthy Journey posts

It’s NOT an extra EXPENSE…rather a MEAL REPLACMENT!

I hope you will share!

I get this statment a lot…”wow Shakeology is too expensive for me.” Well I thought this too and then I did a break down on my grocery bills and here is how Shakeology actually saves me money EVERY month on food.

Hubby Pack lunch
Buy Fast lunch
Deli Turkey $1.16 This is when our grocery had it for 2 packs for $7, that’s on sale
Fruit $0.50
Bread $1.22 Whole grain bread @ $4.29 a loaf, he eats 2 sandwiches
Soda-always bought 2 for $2.00 $2.00
Yogurt $0.70 One
Condiments $0.25 mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, cheese etc.
Total $5.83 $6-7.00
Shakeology-$119 per bag on HD
$4.00 $4.00
Saves $1.83 $2-3.00
$1.83 x 20 (4 work weeks) $36.60
$2.00 x20 (fast food) $40.00
$3.00 x 20 ( fast food) $60.00
My savings monthly for lunch at home $25.00-rough
Total grocery savings for both $61.60
Total savings if fast food @$6 per day $76.60
Total savings if fast food @ $7 per day $86.60
So is Shakeology expensive?
Not so much anymore, when you break it down!

If you have a hard time reading his I apologize, I did it in excel as it was a lot easier to add together this way.

I have been getting this excuse/fear from a lot of people lately and I had figured out a couple months ago that my savings was about $56.72 and just went over to my local grocery and got new prices as groceries have gone up. Now we are saving over $60 a month and we have TWO Shakeology home directs. One for me and one for my hubby. Seriously! Groceries are getting ridiculous. Now this $4 is for the regular person that orders Shakeology at $119 a bag for 30 servings. Now I am a Beachbody preferred customer, which is very easy to become, so on home direct my shakes are only about $3 each so my monthly savings just went up as I am now on home direct as a preferred customer so with me and my hubby I get another $20 savings per month making our total savings:

$81.60 from packing hubby’s lunch

$96.60 from $6 fast food lunches

$106.60 from $7 fast food lunches

So now we are eating healthier, quitting the daily soda, and saving money. So it’s all a win win situation for us!


The meat and bread breakdown are for two sandwiches for the hubby. He was never satisfied with one. He eats a whole foot long when we go to subway. Even if he only ate one sandwich it is still a .35 cent savings per day. Added up to a week is $1.75 and for 4 weeks is a $7.00 savings. The benefit is far great then money, but we are saving! This is for the $4 shake so it is $27.00 savings if you are a preferred customer. Feel free to e-mail me and ask me how to become one at coachttawna@gmail.com

If you ever want to try a Shake, on me, I give samples away You just have to go to my website FitAfterBabies.com and visit the FREE shakeology tab and it will tell you how to send me your info! I waited a long time because I thought I could not afford it and now am kicking myself that I waited so long!

Have a great day!

If this is still not for you, that is OK, it’s not for everyone. Share it and let others decide if it’s right for them!



I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (3)

  • Hi Tawna!!
    No need to apologize, we all have our days. Hope things are going well for you.

    Shakeology is a great deal!!

  • I tried Shakeology and I couldn't take it. . . . I thought it tasted like grass!

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