Categories: Mental Health Journey posts

So who is the one responsible, you are them?!

I hope you will share!

You always here that the first step of admitting you need to change something is a break through, and it is, but is that the end of the journey…No, you need one more step and that is…ACTION!

How many times have you (including myself, believe me) bought a workout, joined a gym, or grocery shopped for food to start a new diet? This list could go on but you get the idea.

Once you have these things, how long do you do them or implement them into your life? I dare say that there are times that I have had all the passion in the world for something, did everything I could do to get it and…I caved!

Here are some examples, from my life.

In the past I have made great intentions of doing workouts and buying healthier food. I would sit down and make a list and get all pumped up and then…nothing. I knew in my head they were the right things to do but there was never a fire under my butt to actually add some action into the mix. If you have been reading my blog, you will know that I did finally conquer this part of my life and because I “got over myself” and quit “feeling sorry for myself” I have lost 60 pounds and have made some very positive mental changes is my lie.

The workout and diet are not going to get up and do themselves for you. Yes, the first thing we need is the idea, but after the idea we need action. All the positive thinking in the world is not going to hand us financial freedom and success, unless we ad ACTION to the equation.

So my question is…How many successful people do you know are sitting on the couch, in front of the TV and making their millions or dropping there unwanted pounds? It is safe to say, uh, ZERO. Most people that have a lot going for them typically have a lot going on. That does not mean you need to b e a workaholic, it just means, get of the butt and do something.  I needed to quit feeling sorry for myself and feeling like the “world was out to get me.” I needed to realize that things happen around me because of, guess who? ME! So many blamers in the world,  it’s always someone elses fault, of course.

Well when you have one finger pointing at someone else remember that there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.

So this is what I have been doing. I have been pointing all 4 fingers back to me and asking myself, “how can I change me?” Not “how can I change the people around me, bu ME! You know what…this took a while…but it is starting to work out nicely.

I am more motivated and happy. I do not see others and those who bring me down, but rather pick friends that bring me up. I have lost more weight because of this. It is not the fast food industry making us fat, it is us visiting the fast food industry that is making us fat. If we all went on strike and did not eat there they would have to close down, seriously!

I am doing a fitness challenge. I have had the last 20 pounds to lose for awhile and I have been at a plateau. I have had a lot of added stress in my life recently and found myself blaming my non-existent weight loss on everything else but me.  Well, stress can add weight, yes, however, I can take it off! So, even though I am dealing with stress, I have sat back, taken in a deep breath and decided it was not going to conquer me anymore. This 20 pounds will be gone by December 1, 2011. This may seem like a long time to some but slow and healthy is the key and works best for me. Behavior change takes a while and no weight loss lasts without it.

So my tips for the day is if you are one that tends to blame all your unhappiness on your spouse, significant other, family members, bosses, administration, or the government etc then maybe it is time to look in the mirror and ask why you are not doing anything to change it. These people can aid in bad behavior but you don’t have to live in negativity, change it and start with yourself. This is a huge lesson I have learned since 2010 and believe me I needed too. You may even notice that the relationships that you thought were so bad are not really so bad and just changing your attitude can change an entire relationship. If it does not change, and you have done everything you can do then maybe it’s on the right relationship. 99.9% of the time it does because we take the negativity out.

Well there is my soap box for the day. I guess I have had a lot to think about with all the sadness around the house this past few weeks. I  have also got real annoyed with some people whining non-stop about how their life is so hard but they don’t do anything to change it. So it inspired me to let out my story on how I have changed and am still changing my attitude.

Have a good and positive day!


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View Comments (4)

  • Great Post, Well written.
    I can say, I too plan on doing thing and never follow through. But, I know you exercise daily. I said to myself..... If Tawna can do it with 2 kids, I can do it too, especially since I have no little ones any more.
    Hubs and I now exercise 3 times a week, sometimes 4. I 3 times is no big deal, but before... we said we would and never did, NEVER. I even have a kinda, sorta, gym in the basement.

    Thanks for the Pep Talk Tawna. I know I need a good swift kick in the butt once in awhile.

    • Awesome girl, keep it up!!!! So glad someone uses me!! LOL Make your hubby take some before and after pic!!!

  • I forgot to add.... I hope all is going well for you. Chin Up!! Love You!

    • Thanks Terry I love you too! BTW i am going to get you hooked up with my Aunt cuz she is awesome and has Candida, and I never even knew. I am going to get her set up on a blog etc and we will go from there!

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