Categories: Mental Health Journey posts

Worrying about the future, too much, is not going to help!

I hope you will share!

Something that has been a very big struggle for me is worrying and especially when it comes to the future. I have been known to lose sleep thinking about every possible outcome that can happen.

Not that I think it is bad to think of your future but when it get’s bad enough that you forget the present, that is the issue, and was my issue. Something I am trying desperately to change!

There are times I still have to catch myself from worrying too much but I am getting better.

Worrying too much about the future did not get you very far. It made me fight with my hubby a lot more, resent him, and yell at my kids more then I like.

It seems that the worrying turns into an obsession and then it is hard for me to focus on what is important. What is important is NOW, and every now and then I have to be reminded of that.

I have also learned that if I focus on today and what, “today’s” positive influence will be then I make my today, tomorrow and thus future better.

I have been fighting less with my hubby. I yell less at my children. I have less sleepless nights. All of this makes my mental health optimal and I feel good.

I had to share this today as I needed to say it out loud because I found my mind wandering into worrying and stress today. Now I sit back and write this blog post and get my mind back to where it needs to be.

I will continue to better myself every day, to make my day better, my tomorrow better, and my future everything it is meant to be. I am in control and am not forgetting that again!

Have a great night!


My random thoughts blog latest post: My heart was just not into it…

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