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Would you really feed this to your child?

I hope you will share!

Festivals are not my favorite place to go and there are many reasons. The biggest reason is the food. It is all over priced, FAT, and bad for you and I refuse to feed it to my kids.

I guess I am the last one to know, because this food has been around for a while now, and I just heard of it. Since I am not a festival fan, I am assuming this is why I am the last to know. Want to know what it is, then read on.



Yes you read that right…BUTTER, and deep fried! Are you kidding me?!

This is the most horrible thing I have ever seen. I use to think that fried Twinkies and Oreo’s were bad but butter? What is this world coming too?

Is in not enough that we are the fattest country in the world and our kids have a lower life expectancy then their parents. Do we really need to add this deep fried “crap” into the list.

This next statement may offend some but I truly believe it so I am saying it…If we truly loved our kids, we would not feed them this crap. Seriously, I truly believe that. Why do we want to shove this food down our kids throats. Then we wonder why the kids obesity rate is so out of control. Hello parents, its time to take a stand and say NO and to also not eat it yourself. Lead by example. There is NO WAY I would ever willingly give this to my children.

As I searched online to find out if what I was reading, to be true, I found some very disturbing pictures of this butter. I saw a dozen or so where the parent is holding it, on a tick, and helping their child take a bite…really? Holy cow this just makes me sick.

Anyway, if you have not heard of this, here you go, it is out there. If you have heard of it and you have not tried it, then good for you.

This bothers me more then your realize. Our nation and our food is becoming a joke. I will not give in and my kids will not eat this festival food, gross!

Have a good butter free day!


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View Comments (13)

  • Deep-fried butter & my kids? NO! Regular fair food (funnel cakes, french fries, elephant ears, ice cream) are fine, in my opinion, WHEN YOU GO TO A FAIR ONCE A YEAR!

    Problem is, this crap is everywhere all of the time. Typical American society - I want it and I want it now. My kids are growing up and learning that there's a time and place for everything, you can't have everything you want immediately, and it's always worth the wait when you're looking forward to something special.

    • Alicia:
      So true that once a year is fine. We have forgotten about moderation in this world lately, and it is literally killing us! I to don't mind a funnel cake, once a year, but I seriously can only eat half and then feel sick for about an hour or so afterwards. I could not eat that everyday, no way. And it does take away from being "special" if eaten all the time! You are right, it is worth the wait!

  • Ewwww! I do like fair food, and think one funnel cake a year is perfectly acceptable, but deep-fried butter? That is just wrong on so many levels.

  • Ewwwww is right!!! How Gross is that.. and it is probably not real butter but oleo.

  • deep fried butter I think is pushing it in the fast food world. Everything in moderation... sadly that recipe has ZERO moderation lol.

  • I'm sure I'm being all British here - by why on Earth would one eat deep fried butter? Its a spreading tool to lubricate bread so that the jam goes further? I'm stupefied...

    • Amen Lindsey! I don't think I will understand the "American way" when it comes to food. We are really screwed up!

  • Tawna,
    Would you believe Blogger just sent this to my email. I commented earlier because I have your blogs on my list of blogs I visit daily.

  • When I heard about deep-fried butter a few months ago, I couldn't believe my ears! (Wouldn't it melt in the fryer anyway?) I don't even like giving my daughter too many crackers or food without nutrition. I honestly freak out a little inside when she doesn't get her veggie's for the day! Yes, I let her have a treat now and then, and I've caught other family members giving her junk food, but it is not a steady diet of crap! And I'm not a health food fanatic- I just want my daughter to be healthy.

    • Amen Hannah! I have had to make it very clear, to people in my family, as to what my kids are allowed to eat. The sad thing is, is that it labels me the "bitchy" one or the "snotty" one. Sad eh? I will not allow buttered noodles either. That one was a fight for awhile but we have finally tamed that fight. Kids learn by habit and by role models and food is a learned behavior.

  • Just the thought of all that butter, plus the oil that it is fried in. What is a parent thinking, letting their child have butter on a stick? Just the thought is ucky! As expensive as real butter is, could it even be the real thing?

    • That is a good point Sheree. Butter is expensive so this is probably deep friend margarine or something like that, so that would be deep fried plastic! Ugh I don't know, either way, it just plain makes me sick too!

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