Goodbye bottles forever!

My son is 13 months old and I am officially throwing away ALL bottles, as soon as I am done writing this post.

he would not hole his bottle at all and it was getting harder and harder because he wanted to be mobile and drink and he would cry if I didn’t hold it….whew! 

he was pretty stubborn with the sippy cup as well and I finally forced him to pick it up and drink out of the cup.  The sippy cups all have handles so he does gab them well he just did not want to hold it up with his head back.  I resisted for half a day, he got mad, and literally a half day later, he was/is drinking out of them.

I guess I could have made him hold his bottle quicker but you know it is hard to let go of some things.  I loved feeding my kids bottles.  I got to cuddle with them.

Once he started drinking out of a sippy cup i did not even give him a bottle option, even at night.  he has not had a bottle in 3 days and he will not have another one. 

Now time to free up the cupboard space!

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Going to bed a little hungry

Staying up too late lately and I know its too late because I am feeling hungry before bed.  This is a problem because I don’t want to be eating at 11 or 12 at night so why is my butt not going to bed earlier?  This is a hard one since my husband is a night owl and lately it seems to be the only time we get alone with each other.

I did eat a few nights and I have not for the past 3 nights now.  I guess if I am going to be stubborn and stay up too late then I need to lay down hungry!  Don’t want to undo my whole day of eating right, right?

This is a hard one!

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A full weekend of LOA-law of attraction

Wow this weekend has been AWESOME!  I posted a few days ago about spending money to receive money and this come to play, in my favor, twice this weekend.

My 4 year old had grown out of her toddler bed and we really needed a new bigger bed for her.  We have not done this in the past, as you know we are poor, but I thought I would put my law of attraction to the test.  Here is how the weekend went.

Friday:  Decided that no matter what we were buying a bed this weekend/
Friday night:  Sold a heater we have had on craigslist for about a month for $40
Found a daybed on craigslist Saturday for $30.
Listed my daughters toddler bed Saturday as well.
Bought the daybed Sunday
Bought a new comforter set with pad for $50
Sunday evening sold the toddler bed for $40

What I spent = $80
What I received = $80

i am not making this up, it is the EXACT amount, so cool!  And my daughter has an awesome new bed and we broke even. 

Do I believe more and more that what I am doing is the right think, you bet!  Love this LOA and will keep doing it!

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Am I horrible?

When we had my daughter I forgot NOTHING and now we have my 1 year old son and I feel like I am such a bad om sometimes.

For my daughter birthday I have presents and cards bought weeks in advance.  My poor gets the shopping the day before and i just bought his car, to keep in his book, yesterday.  Let me remind you that he is 13 months now.  I totally forgot his card, rude eh?  And I bought it a month after his party, signed it, and filed it.

I feel horrible that I am so scatter brained, is this normal?  I guess I better not forget his card etc when he is old enough to remember or I will be in trouble!

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My biggest loser work out

OK so if anyone has a hard time getting motivated to work out may I suggest watching the biggest loser on TV or they have episodes on the Internet.

I cannot sit and watch that show I feel too guilty!  I have been up moving around, cleaning closets, sweeping the floor, clearing tables etc. while I listen/watch the show.  It gets me pumped up to get off my butt!

I did this with the summer episodes of Losing it with Jillian too, big motivator!

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Spend money to receive money?

One thing that Joe Vital says in his Missing Secret CD’s is that he has told the universe that if he spends money he will receive money.  One example he uses is that there was a woman that needed some type of machine for her sick child and it was $15,000 (don’t quote me on the price, I think that was it).  Well he was helping her find the money and then decided that he should just send it because he could.  A few days after sending the check he received a bunch of money from somewhere else and he ended up getting more than the $15,000.  Part of his positive thinking is that if he spends money he will receive money.  He is magnetizing money I guess.

Well…not that I think that you should just spend the rent and bill money and have this attitude but I am changing how I spend money.

I am the queen of “we can’t have any fun cuz we have no money,” or “I wish we could afford a date night” etc.  I have changed that over the past couple weeks and have decided that we do deserve a treat here and there and if we have to spend our last few dollars to do that then we will.

Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of things to do that do not require money, but reality is that we do need to spend money on ourselves every once in a while and not feel guilty about it.

I did end up getting a $400 check a few days ago after our account hit $8.45 and that was definitely a huge plus.  We went to kings island (we have season passes) and I did not go without lunch because I was afraid to spend, and I just got notice from our bank that we are getting our relocation credit and it is a thousand dollars we will receive by Thursday’s mail.

I know I will always pay the bills first but I am not going to allow money to rule my whole being anymore.  I may not be receiving millions of dollars but so far we are being taken care of because we are taking care of ourselves!

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catnip/mint tea for teething

My poor 13 month old baby has had a horrible time cutting his two molars this last week and a half.  They are such hurtful teeth to push through.

He seems to get all the symptoms when he cuts teeth: fever, constipation, fussiness (of course).  He had a fever for 3 days and has not been able to go to the bathroom other then urine for almost 4 days.

My aunt and Uncle were here last week and they said to make him catnip tea with a pinch of mint tea in it with a dropper (1-2teaspoons).  Well it won’t hurt his so I gave it a try.  Here is what it looks like

Well they said it should make him “explode” about 30 minutes after taking it and then it would make him sleep all night.  It did not help him poop at all but it did help settle his stomach enough to get some good sleep.  Still up once or twice but far better then the once every 20-30 minutes he was before.
Has anyone tried this?
I then got rid of the catnip part and decided to give him straight up mint tea for the last 3 nights and he has slept pretty good.  They gave me mint tea after my c-section which helped a lot so i figured it should help him too.
He still had not pooped at all so I gave him a big thing of prunes and it seems to be helping a bit.  Mind you during this whole tea thing I have been feeding him fruit like it is going out of style, bananas, grapes, plums, you name it he has had it.  The fruit was not helping at all but the baby food prunes seem to be doing some good.
Poor baby!  Can’t wait for all his teeth to come in, so far we are at 10!
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Plank position

I was at the doctors office a few weeks back and saw an article about some actress, can’t remember her name but blond hair and blue eyes and think (yes I know that really narrows it down).  Actually I want to say Cameron Diaz but don’t quote me on that one.  Anyway it said how this actress did not like to work out but to keep her core nice and tight she did intervals of plank position everyday.  Holding it for a minute or two and sometimes dong leg raises while in plank.

Well, I like to work out but am having trouble fitting it in so I have decided to add this along with my TV jogging for the next couple of weeks.  There is proof, my 4 year old is getting good at taking pics for my blogs so I have attached one.

I am going to see how long I can stand to hold the position and see if I can get just a few more seconds everyday.  Then add some leg raises etc.  Today was 132 seconds and then 4-5 small intervals while we tried to get the picture right.  My tummy hurts a bit!

This way I can squeeze in short exercise and toning while I chaise down my two kids, do laundry, and make dinner.  So far my stomach inches are still at 42.  I have not lost nay since my last inch but have not gained so I still have a number to use in my experiment.

Remember that if you want to do this to you have to suck in the stomach and squeeze the butt in order to get the full effect!

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Not too shabby!

So I have not done a whole lot along the lines of actual intensive work outs for awhile but I did jog in front of the TV today for 20 minutes straight (without getting winded) and did some free weights for 15 minutes, and I feel good.

I was worried but I guess all of the moving and lifting has kept my stamina higher then it was before I started this journey in May.

I was just not in the mood to put in a work out DVD so I jogged to my kids cartoon program and it was entertaining enough that I did not get too bored and want to quit.

I will do this for a few days and see if I can get back to my 45 minute jogging in front of the TV.

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A good sore!

Wow, long day at Kings Island and i am sore!  Good thing is that I burned a ton of calories today.  We initially thought that we would only be there for 4-5 horus but it turned into 8 as the weather was AWESOME!  High of 70, low humidity, partly cloudy, perfect!

The kdis had an awesome time too and I love to see them so excited on the rides.  I love the big roller coasters but even more love to see the kids get so excited.  I am sore but it is a great sore!

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