Getting better

Well still don’t have the best news we could have this week as far as all the cancer surgery but I am feeling a bit less stressed about it.  Talking to my Aunt on the phone after she got home from her surgery helped as she seemed really chipper.  I have and still learn a lot from her.  She still has 2 spots “of melanoma left that they cannot take out and she is more positive then I am.  What does that say to me…buck up Tawna, she is still here to enjoy her and expect positive outcomes.” 

Have not had confirmation on the other 2 in a few days but I am not doing them any favors being so down about it right.  So now I try to send good vibes to all 3 and positive energy as they need all the positive energy they can get.  So here I go this week with all the positive energy I can give out and then some!

Here is to a great week.

Oh ya I bought lottery tickets, wonder if I won!

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Going to get unstressed

This week has been chuck full of horrible news.  I am taking control today and starting back on my exercise regiment as I need all the help I can get with my emotions.  So much bad news really can make you feel l ike sitting and sulking and I ca’t do that again today.

So I am telling you I am getting my butt off this chair and throwing in a Jillian Michels 30 day shred, level 1 since it has been a while, and getting my power back.

Here is to better news this week and some lost calories to go with it!

Exercise is so good for emotional stress!

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Sometimes they just know

I have had a very hard week as I have been posting on my blogs.  Along with my back to exercising regimen I posted on my exercise blog, I am also feeling better all because of my 13 month old son. 

Kids are smarter then we give them credit for.  All morning long I have had one lovey little boy with constant hugs and kisses and it has been awesome.  Nothing like a hug and kiss from your baby to make you realize that not all is bad when things seem to be going downhill.  Thanks Brahnan, you are too sweet and I love you!

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This is so important to me I am posting this same post on all 3 blogs today, please help if you can, thanks!

It has been a few days since my last post and so much has happened.

Had my awesome Aunt and Uncle fro Oregon here.
Passed my license test so I am insurance licensed.

Found out that many people in my life are battling cancer right now. On of the 3 had surgery and they can’t remove it all. The second is not recovering well, and may not recover from the removal surgery, and the third is holding a fund raiser to pay for chemo that the insurance company won’t pay for (OK Obama, health care for everyone right? where is his?)

All in all I am doing OK, I am trying very hard, and somewhat coming through, with positive thinking right now. It is hard, people i love are suffering and there is pretty much nothing I can do.

If you have a FB account will you please look up and like “Watches for Junior” and buy a beaded watch he is making? This is one way they are trying to fund his chemo and he has a stage 4 brain tumor, he needs treatment NOW. I would appreciate any referrals to others who wish to help to. Send everyone you know the FB link please.

Well, off to cleaning the house, playing with the kids, and praying today.

Have a good day!

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This is so important to me I am posting this same post on all 3 blogs today, please help if you can, thanks!

It has been a few days since my last post and so much has happened.
Had my awesome Aunt and Uncle fro Oregon here.

Passed my license test so I am insurance licensed.

Found out that many people in my life are battling cancer right now. On of the 3 had surgery and they can’t remove it all. The second is not recovering well, and may not recover from the removal surgery, and the third is holding a fund raiser to pay for chemo that the insurance company won’t pay for (OK Obama, health care for everyone right? where is his?)

All in all I am doing OK, I am trying very hard, and somewhat coming through, with positive thinking right now. It is hard, people i love are suffering and there is pretty much nothing I can do.

If you have a FB account will you please look up and like “Watches for Junior” and buy a beaded watch he is making? This is one way they are trying to fund his chemo and he has a stage 4 brain tumor, he needs treatment NOW. I would appreciate any referrals to others who wish to help to. Send everyone you know the FB link please.

Well, off to cleaning the house, playing with the kids, and praying today.

Have a good day!

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Me = licensed!

It has been a few days since my last post and so much has happened.

Had my awesome Aunt and Uncle fro Oregon here.
Passed my license test so I am insurance licensed.
Found out that many people in my life are battling cancer right now.  On of the 3 had surgery and they can’t remove it all.  The second is not recovering well, and may not recover from the removal surgery, and the third is holding a fund raiser to pay for chemo that the insurance company won’t pay for (OK Obama, health care for everyone right?  where is his?)

All in all I am doing OK, I am trying very hard, and somewhat coming through, with positive thinking right now.  It is hard, people i love are suffering and there is pretty much nothing I can do.

If you have a FB account will you please look up and like “Watches for Junior” and buy a beaded watch he is making?  This is one way they are trying to fund his chemo and he has a stage 4 brain tumor, he needs treatment NOW.  I would appreciate any referrals to others who wish to help to.  Send everyone you know the FB link please.

Well, off to cleaning the house, playing with the kids, and praying today.

Have a good day!

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Weeding out the negative in m y life

I just wrote a blog post on my other blog that fits into this one so I will share the lin here. I truly believe that weeding out the negavite people/situations in yourlife is KEY to improving your though process and magnetizing the good in your life instead of the bad.

Hope you enjoy it!

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Are you educated or opinionated?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean educated as in “Higher Education.” Anyone can be educated on anything as long as they take the time to 1. Ask a question. 2. Research the answer. 3. Find the RIGHT answer. This can be done as easily ad going straight to the “horse’s mouth” and asking.

I have found in my life that those that are way too opinionated and refuse to have any open minded conversation are usually the ones that have the loudest voices and feel they need to get defensive and yell or talk sternly to everyone while stating or yelling their opinion. It’s like their opinion is the only one that matters, ever.

I have also found that those who know how to become educated are those that will listen, with an open mind, and research for themselves to find the answer. It is at that point an educated person can have an intellectual and calm conversation with others. Just a note here: not everywhere you research is legitimate. Something I have always stayed clear from is Wikepedia and forums because anyone can add any opinion to those, and the biggest one, asking others instead of the person that needs to be asked!

Anyone can research, even a child. Children are actually the best at this, they ask questions all the time and if the rest of the children are like my 4 year old she will question my answer. What I have taught her is that it is OK to question my answer, but find a way to prove me wrong, legitimately and I will listen. Believe a 4 year can do this and I know of at least a dozen times my daughter and I have researched things together and many times I was mistaken and I have told her that and we learned together.

Have you ever had one of those friends that knows everything about everything? I swear I have those in my life and live with one. They will even argue with you that you’re wrong when you have the right answer starring them in the face because they can’t ever admit they may not know something?

I have 2 College degrees and I will be the first one to tell you that college does not make you smart. My degrees are in Exercise and Nutrition, what has that taught me about finance, law, medicine, etc. See where I am going with this? One thing college did teach me was how to FIND the right answer to anything. I am the queen of research. I will research something until I find an answer and then research again, and again.

When I was teaching college I researched my information every new term because I know that statistics change etc. You can’t depend on what you hear from other people who are not educated and you cannot depend on old research. Now a days old research is only a year or two old.

These past few weeks I have had to deal with a lot of negativity. People bashing and saying hurtful things before they even know what they are talking about. “Well my friend told me….” “I heard this from a friend of a friend…” Blah blah blah. Come on people, if you have known me for so many plus years and I have never steered you wrong before, what do you think I am going do? Seriously…you really think I am that kind of person. Especially to those people who have received free services from me and my husband for years, are you kidding me?

I believe that everyone comes in and out of your life for a reason. I love everyone I meet, even if for only a short time. Once I get to know them they may become harder to love but love is still there as everyone has a story.

My whole purpose of this post is a hope that people will learn how to educate themselves daily, on everything, instead of having a mind so closed that they cannot see any further in front of them then the nose on their face. I have also learned this week that it is OK to let go of some people in your life because if they are not willing to be your friend back when you need it and they say “ill” things about you to others behind your back, and then smile to your face, then why are you hanging on to that friendship? That is not a friendship. Friendship is two sided.

It is funny, but in my experience through life I have had more problems with this with the adults in my life than I had with my friends when I was young. I think it is because when we are young we still have an open mind and a hope to see something from all sides and not just one.

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Can he do it?

So mu hubby gets to be with the kids all day by himself.  When I say all day I really mean ALL day.  I have a convention and it is the butt crack of dawn and I am gearing up to head out the door and will not be back til around 11pm tonight.

He has been frustrated with the cleanliness of things lately, since we just moved in, as well as a couple other minor things as well.  Hmmmm, I think he will realize exactly what I do today, whihoo!

Maybe he will even think it is important to put the child locks on the kitchen cabinets.  I even left them out on the cupboard for him.  I am sure they will be on by the time I get home.

I love him and I am glad he gets a whole day with them because he needs it!  I need it!

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No snacks today!

Quickie post as I am out the door to another all day event.  I am NOT taking snacks today to keep me from getting bored or keep me awake.  Taking a couple tea packets and my empty cup ONLY.  Not going to have another day like last Saturday!

Got a good nights sleep so I should be good to go!

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