My 15 month old’s new game, so cute!

As I was sitting in the living room the other day I could hear the cutest little laugh in the kitchen.  I just sat there and listened for a while and wondered what was making my 15 month old laugh so hard.  I walked into the kitchen and this is what I saw…my little boy having a ball playing a new game.  The game was kick the sippie cup over and laugh then pick it back up and kick it over again.  It is amazing to me how the littlest things can entertain kids so well and I could not help but smile and laugh too and of course take video. 

Here is a video of it.  Kids…I swear…they are too cute sometimes.  I think God made them this cute so we would not kill them on their bad days! Ha ha!

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P90X am I crazy?

Well I borrowed P90X from a friend as it is pretty expensive and am wondering if my body can handle starting it this week.  I want to try the first work out today and see if my sore surgery butt can handle it.  I tried to get it from the library but could not get it at our local library and found a ton of people that I know have it and are not using it and were very willing to let me try it.
I will try it today or tomorrow and give you an update to see if it is too soon after surgery to be doing something so brutal.  The doctor said I have no restraints so I guess I can see how much I can do!  I have heard awesome things about this work out but have yet to find someone I know that actually finished the entire work out regiment.  Most of them lost weight with it but stopped anywhere after the first 2 weeks and one friend actually did all bu the last 2 weeks.

Hopefully I can do the whole thing.  OK that is not very positive is it.  I WILL do the every work out!  can’t get anywhere if I am not positive right? LOL

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SNOW never seen it like this!

So I have been seeing on my FB page and have been complaining myself about the snow we have had over the last couple of days.  We got oh about 2-4 inches or something like that.  I feel like I should shut-up and stop complaining after I received this photo in the mail from my aunt in Canada.  A picture of my Grandma and Grandpa on the roof of their house while they try to dig their car out.  Uh, I see no way in hell that they even have reason to dig the car out, where are they going to go?  Wow, this is a ton of snow!  I am from Canada, and I am sure I saw many horrible snow storms but do not recall anything like this!  Check it out!

I am not complaining of our snow anymore!!!  I just had to share.

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Day 5 after stage 2 InterStim surgery

I have had to turn up my InterStim every day for the past 3 days.  It is working and things are much better but I am still suffering more than I should be with the OAB (overactive bladder).  As far as any leaking, that is gone after yesterdays turn up.

It will take some time to fine tune the settings but so far this seems to be working great.  I only want to turn it up one setting per day because I want this to work on its lowest possible setting for me.  If I turn it up too much it may be able to work at a lower setting and I don’t want to start out too high.

I can’t feel it at all.  The pain in the hip/butt is going away and I actually sat through a movie yesterday.  I had to shift about 5-6 times but I did manage to sit.  At the end of the day I was a bit sore but nothing I needed a big pain killers for.  Took a little ibuprofen and went to bed and slept great.

Overall I am happy with it.

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Valentine TwitterGanza!

Valentine TwitterGanza Sign Up Your Twitter Account Today
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On January 3, until January 27 we will have a HUGE GIVEAWAY of all the gifts we have accumulated. There will be 1 to 3 winners!! This depends on how many sponsors we get.
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Adding arm weights today!

Well since I have been sore and not working much in the cardio area of my life I have decided to pick up the 3 and 5 pound dumbbells today and do some upper body.  Since it still hurts to sit some and it really hurts to do cardio I figured “why not burn some calories and buff up my upper body?”  So now that I am feeling a bit more mobile I am adding small weights and just picking them up whenever I feel like it today and will do this until it feels good to be more active.

I can’t wait to be able to do plank position again, that was helping the most and I was feeling so strong after.  Again, this is only a temporary lapse, it will all be good again soon!

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Day 3 after stage 2 of InsterStim surgery

I slept 8 straight hours without getting up to pee last night!  This is the most exciting thing as I used to have to get up every 2-3 hours to pee at night and more in the winter time because when me feet get cold it makes me have to pee.  It is freezing cold now and I slept all night long and did not pee til morning, whihoooooooo!

It is amazing how much better you feel without interrupted sleep.  Even my 1 y ear old crashed for all night (and is still asleep btw) so I did not get disturbed at all last night.

I feel great today!

So far so good with this InterStim surgery.  I am still a bit sore in the butt but even that is getting better after only 3 days so I am liking my decision to get this done more and more.

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Trying to work out even though I can’t work out, ARGH!

So as you have read in my past posts over the past week or so you know that I have had InterStim surgery.  If you are unaware here is my post about what it is on my other blog and I have updated every few days on my progress.

My butt hurts like I never knew it could and bending over is NOT a good idea.  This puts a huge damper on my work outs so I feel bloated, frustrated, and fat.  It does feel good to stand and pace, much better then sitting, so I have decided to make the most out of standing.

I pace and walk around the house for an hour at a time.  Yesterday I put wet rags on the floor and mopped it with my feet.  My entire main floor of the house is wood so this actually took me about 45 minutes.  It really did not hurt me much until I had to bend over and pick up the rags to rinse ever so often, so I had my 4 year old start picking them up and I did not hurt too bad. 

I can’t wait til I can work out again, I feel horrible.  I don’t have any restrictions with this surgery so that is great, but it is hard to do what you normally do when your butt hurts so unbelievably bad!  Oh well, this will only make my life more livable when it is all said and done, only a minor set back!

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My remote for InterStim, so weird but cool!

OK so here is the remote I use to turn my InterStim setting on/off, up/down.  It is so cool that I can monitor this myself!

The little pad on the left is what I place on the skin where the battery pack is implanted.  I then use the buttons on the remote to do what I need to do.  It is a lot more sensitive then the big battery pack I had during stage 1 and I really can’t feel the impulses at all today but I just turned it on last night when the rep called me and talked me through it for the first time.

I have a pacemaker card now and I have all the same restrictions as anyone has who has a heart pacemaker.  The only differences, and a big one, is that it is not on my heart, but on my sacral nerve.  Other differences is that heart pacemaker patients cannot adjust it on their own, that may not be good for obvious reasons.  I have a constant electric current going all the time and pacemakers only activate when you need them.

Everything else, like not being able to have an MRI unless I am in great need and things like that are the same.  If I become pregnant I have to turn it off for the pregnancy.  They will not do studies on pregnant women to find out if it will hurt the baby, I think that it is a good idea they won’t test on innocent babies so I am good with this.  Thank goodness I am done becoming pregnant anyway.

Hopefully it will not take long to get the settings right!  It takes a lot of getting used to but will be worth it.

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Made it even with a painful week!

Well I did it.  Surgery success and just had the second stage yesterday.  It was really really, ok did I say really yet, hard to have good thoughts this week as I was/am in a lot of pain.  I had a lot of battles with  myself but in the end I still remained more positive then I would have in the past.

Now we are in the “adjusting” stage of the InterStim and all I have to do now is fine tune the adjustments.  sweet!

Even though I am still sore today I am ding much better and am getting more done as it hurts to sit so I am walking a lot and pacing around the house and doing dishes etc.  Just getting my sore butt of the chair or couch is doing wonders for my esteem today!  Yay!

Again, if you want to check out my surgery here is my first of my posts here  I have been adding my progress every few days on my other blog if you would like to read them.

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