Holiday Bloganza!


One Person Will Win All These Prizes!!!If you are looking to gain more blog followers, Join in this Super HOLIDAY BLOGANZA

There will be one winner. In order for them to win, they must follow each blog by Google Friend Connect.

. Extra Entries will be to follow each blog on twitter, facebook, etsy and Networked Blogs

.Each blog offers a giveaway to the pot and one person is picked out of all the entrants to win all the prizes.

You will be responsible for sending your own gift to the winner

US & Canada Only!!

You must have your entries in by Friday November 19th

The Bloganza will start on Monday November 22 and run until Monday December 6. Please be sure to come back and tweet this Giveaway So we can get more people participating.

Please make sure when you post your link that it goes to the page your gift is on. Thanks!!

Here are our Hosts For The Holiday Bloganza

1. Spooky Julz

2. This Blog… My Journey With Candida

3. Going Green One Day At A Time

4. Julz Jewlz

5. One Momma Saving Money

Do Not List Your Giveaway Unless You Are Participating in this event

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Expanding on the quote & not giving into the negative!

I need to listen to that specific part of Joe Vitale’s CD again because I don’t think it is his quote, I think someone said it to him and to give credit where credit is due I will look into that and post it later.

I can’t get enough of saying this quote in my head.  Here it is again. “If you don’t know you can you cant, if you don’t know you can’t you can.”  This is just so powerful and I did not have hardly anytime the other day when I posted it to elaborate.

How many of us talk ourselves out of things everyday?  I know I was and am still guilty of this.  We ARE our worst enemies and we should be our biggest supporter!  This is the great thing about my journey is that I am learning to be my supporter instead of the one that brings myself down.

Have you heard the statement before “those that bring everyone else down and find faults in everyone else have a low self esteem and do not feel like they are good enough.”  Maybe not in those exact words but you get the picture.

So my question for everyone today:  Are you going to let society win and fall into this negative atmosphere or are you going to be your own person and better the world and quit giving into the negative?  I am trying real hard to get away from the negative.  It has helped me greatly!  I even lost another 1 1/2 inches off my body in 15 days and I did not work out much.  I really do believe my thinking is what is doing it!

If you have not got these CD’s yet, which I post on a lot of my posts, you really should.  Watch the documentary the secret and listen to these CD’s.  If you need the help being more positive, I am living proof that they are working!

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Too much Halloween candy!

I cannot feel good about my 4 year old daughter eating the amount of candy she got on Halloween, it is ridiculous!  I have decided that there will be a little bit of candy thrown away everyday and i I do it slow enough she will think she ate it.  I did take out quite a bit the first day, as you can see in the picture, but I figure if I can throw away 4-5 pieces a day that should do it.

Some people may feel that this is wasteful but I cannot let my child think it is OK for her to eat this much candy and I really don’t need to be helping her either!

This is the first days throw away!

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Updated picture of me

I know I am in my PJ’s but that is me I am a PJ girl and force myself to get ready, as I have posted before, when I need to get out of my funk and need a pick me up.  I am feeling good so I am PJ-ing it til late in the day because in the cold it is comfortable!

My 4 year old is getting much better at taking pic’s!  Not sure what the look is on my face but you can see the big difference in my stomach, not as many rolls!

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Inches lost in 15 days = 1 1/2

All measurements are in inches

                                             Oct 18          Nov 2        Loss or Gain
Bust                                       41                41              0
Under bust                             36                35 3/4        L-1/4
Waist                                     41                41              0
Around C-section scar           42 3/4          42              L-3/4
Hips                                       45               44 1/2         L-1/2
Thigh (1)                                24 3/4         24/3/4         0
Arm                                       12               12               0

Total inches lost in 15 days = 1 1/2 add this to my last inches lost from Oct 12-18 so 6 days = 3.75 inches in 21 days (that is less then a month, only 3 weeks)!

All I have been doing besides eating healthier is plank position and not every day it has been about every other and I did not do it for one full week because of being sick. 

I have also been cleaning more and not allowing myself to sit down in front of the TV for long periods, not at all during the day but only an hour or two at night. 

I am just keeping active and really doing well with my positive thinking and I really do think that the positive thinking is doing the most good right now, seriously.  My mind set is getting so much better and I know that I am losing a lot of stress weight because of it.  I still have a ways to go with improving it but I know for a fact it is helping!

Love seeing these numbers go down, whihoo!

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Wig success!

Well the washing and conditioning of the wig with the bumble and bumble straight and the curlers in it for 3 days worked like a charm.  The damaged wig looked great and we had a great Halloween.  You CAN rescue a very damaged and knotted wig!  I did it!  Here is my beautiful snow white.

Here is a pic of just the wig after I took the curlers out
Looks good and is shiny!
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Great quote from Joe

I feel inclined to share a quote that is on Joe Vitale’s CD.  If you don’t know you can then you can’t and if you don’t know you can’t them  you can.

Think about that for a minute, it makes a lot of sense.  We are are worst enemies when it comes to our thinking and I think this quote alone says a lot.

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Did not eat the donuts!

Had a meeting Saturdays morning and they had a few dozen donuts there and they were the first thing you saw when you walked into the room.  I was not even tempted!  I have been feeling so good about my weight loss and my positive thinking has really helped.  I walked in and did not even want to be tempted.  It was so awesome.  Everyone around me was munching down on some donuts and I wasn’t.  I left feeling awesome about myself and very proud!

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Making the most out of the tornado warning

Well lets see, yesterday (Tuesday) we had a tornado warning for awhile and everyone was saying “get in your basement!” I took the kids and the dog and the cats downstairs and there we were for an hour and 15 minutes.  I was down in the play room with no TV but did have a radio.  For the first 20 minutes I listened to AM stations to the weather and then I figured, “I can’t do anything more so might as well make it worth while.”  I turned on some dance music and we went to town and grooved the next 40 minutes or so away to dance tunes.  It was me and my two kids, my 4 year old and my 1 year old. 

I am nasty sweaty and we are back upstairs after the warning.  At least I got a work out out of it and we all had fun.  Making the most out of every situation today!

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You NEED to check out this awesome blog

I have made a new friend this week and you can find her blog at Her name is Lisa Devereaux and she shares awesome law of attraction sotries on her blog.  She highlighted my weight loss story today at and has tons of other great law of attraction stories on her site as well.

This is so cool to me for many reasons.  Of course, she highlighted me so that is great but even bigger to me is that she is showing the blogging world that there are a lot of people out there doing exactly what I am doing and it is WORKING!  This makes me so excited as this just enhances my enthusiasm to keep going because I know I am on the right track.

I hope you stop by her blog and give her a follow and check in often.  You can also follower her on twitter at!/lisadlastdegree

Have a wonderful day and think positive!

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