This week got better!

My post on Tuesday was about how I only had 6 diapers and no food and this week because of awesome friends and a great follower I have been able to keep our heads above water and make it til tomorrow which is payday:)  A HUGE thanks to both who are my hero’s this week and you know who you are!

My old neighbor, whom I adore and check on all the time just happen to send us a box of Omaha steaks that cam in the mail last night. We now have about 12 meals of meat in there.  I had no idea she was sending them and she had to have ordered them last week for them to come last night.

An awesome follower sent me a donation and this has allowed me to buy diapers today.  My 6 diapers were gone yesterday but I forgot I had 3 in the diaper bag so i ended up having 9.  I get to go buy some as soon as I am off the computer.

I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life, thanks and love you all!

I am not posting this til Friday but wanted to let you know that I am actually writing this on Thursday.  Just for the timeline!

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First popsicle!

I love these Popsicles because they are slow melt and very small, call them miniatures actually.  My daughter has been eating them for 3 years now and they do not melt fast and have very rarely have had to clean up any messes from them.  They are a bit more expensive then the cheap brands but worth the waste I have when she has a big Popsicle and they are awesome because they are slow melting.  They put a little gelatin in them and this keeps them a solid a bit longer.

It was just too cute not to post a picture of my 13 month old having one and he was NOT happy when it was gone at all.  I love Popsicles!

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Beautiful day for a walk!

Gearing up to head outside in our awesome weather to take the two kids and the dog for a long walk.  It is only in the mid 60’s today and for me this is perfect walking weather.  Plus we all need to get out.  Some people may think that being a stay at home Mom is easy but cabin fever can make it hard and getting out of the house can do wonders for all of us, including the dog!

Hope it stays like this for a while.

Plus with the stroller equaling about 90lbs with both kids in it, it is an extra work out for me and I come home sore!  This way I am building muscle along with my cardio.

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Halloween costume help!

My daughter wants to be snow white for Halloween and i have the dress and the wig already but the wig has been around for a long time and looks horrible.  I brushed it our 3 days ago but it is frizzy and looks really bad.  Does anyone have a secret to making this wig look soft and combed again?

Here is what it looks like now, I have left it hanging here for 3 days hoping it would calm a bit but still frizzy and looks really bad.

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Is Fear taking over my/your life?

One thing that Joe Vitale continually talks about in his CD’s, the missing secret, is that fact that most people are lead by fear.  I truly believe this because this is something I will have to overcome in order to achieve m  goal of 100% positive thinking.

What are you letting fear keep you from?

Here is my example.

I was getting into a rut and becoming the “victim” of everything.  The whole world was against me, my lack of time, my relationships, both with my husband and friends, and my lack of money.  Of course this was not my fault right?  I was the victim.  In the end the real problem was/is my frame of mind and fear was/is attracting the negative things in my life.  My law of attraction was not working in a positive way but rather a negative way.  It’s not that the LOA was not working for me it was, and always will be, but I have learned I am in charge of what it will attract…ALL THE TIME!

When I ran across the secret movie and Joe’s CD’s I decided I was going to be very open minded when listening to it.  This is why I have to listen to it over and over because as I release those fears in my life, I am able to get more out of the CD’s and movie and attract more positive in my life.

I was always mad at my husband and he was the cause of it, of course.  I always stressed and we would fight every payday because we had no money and I did not see how we could make ends meet.  I started a new business and of course I found every way to make it everyone else’s fault on why I am having a hard time getting it going like it needs to be.

What I am realizing is that it is not everyone elses fault but mine,  I had a closed mind and was attracting the negative and therefore that is what I was/am receiving.

My new goals, as I have been posting, is to change this “victim’ frame of mind I have and be grateful and happy for what I know and have.  I know what I am doing is right and it is going to reflect into everything I am doing.  Of course I am just in the beginning but the beginning is where we all need to be at some point and the only other option for me now is to head into the middle and then the end.  The end not meaning I am done but rather the end of my fear, and the beginning of my abundant positive LOA!

Why do we fear what we don’t know and why do we run away or ridicule others who are not the same way?

Is this why people who drink or smoke can’t stop even though they say they want to?  Are they afraid that they do not deserve to stop?  Are they scared that they will not know how to live if they stop.  This statement is in no way shape or form to ridicule anyone in my life that do these things, this is merely a thought process in my head right now.  It is the best comparison i can come up with right now.

Is this fear also the reason why I have had to friend weed over the past few months?  I started something new and wanted to share it and bam! All of a sudden I was the plague.  I am not mad at those people anymore because I have cut it down to the fact that they feared letting me show them something new and it is easier to avoid or run away then to learn something new (I did this to my Dad for 2 years)  When I opened up my mind and saw what he was trying to show me I saw that there was nothing for me to be afraid of and he had something that I needed to see and now I appreciate that I gave him the time to show me.

I know this is a long post but there is just a lot going through my mind right now and this has been a big bother to me over the past couple of months.  I want the bother gone so I am submitting my negative vibes from above to the universe and asking it to bury it deep, deep , deep.  I don’t want these negative feelings anymore.

I love my life, I love my family, I love my friends and am grateful for so many things.  I am not going to let the negative take away from my grateful attitude!

I hope that everyone has a blessed day and faces your fears straight on and asks the universe to get rid of them!

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Almost 200 seconds of plank position

I am getting longer on my plank position everyday and am about 30 seconds from hitting the 200 second mark.  When I stared I was around 132 and this was only a couple weeks ago when I star

I make myself stay in position even if I want to stoop because it has to hurt a little every time in order to work to its maximum results.

Sometimes I have to sing a song or steer my mind to thinking about something else to be able to stay there but I force myself and feel awesome after I am done.  It is an awesome feeling to do just a handful of second more everyday.  It is very gratifying and my results are showing both physically and mentally.  Just one more goal I am setting and making and this “does a body good!”

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16 /12 inches lost from November 2009-October 2010

All measurements in inches

Nov. 2009                                                October 2010                  Loss/Gain
Bust: 44                                                     42                                   L-2
Under bust:                                                36 3/4                             N/A

Waist: 48                                                   41 1/2                             L-6 1/2
Around where C-section scare is:               43                                   N/A
Hips: 49                                                     45                                   L-4
Thigh (one): 28                                           25                                   L- 3
Upper arm: 13                                            12                                   L-1

The reason there are N/A is that I did not do those measurements from the beginning so I can’t give an accurate loss on those.  I have lost a bit but did not start measuring til recently. 

My TOTAL LOSS since I started this journey = 16 1/2 inches!

I am proud of this!

Remember I am doing this without any supplements or going to the gym.  Slow weight loss = permanent weight loss.  I am changing my bad behaviors for good ones.  The longer it takes then the longer I am in a good habit and will keep this change permanent.

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Magic eraser bath scrubber review

A couple weeks ago my Aunt and Uncle were here and we all took a walk to the grocery to get something for dinner and I needed bathroom cleaner.  The store just happened to not carry my bathroom cleaner anymore, which really upset me, so I asked my relatives what they used.  They told me to get Mr. Clean’s magic eraser bath scrubber.  I have used the magic eraser before but not the bath scrubber so i figured “can’t hurt and it’s not terribly expensive.”

I LOVE IT!  It was fast, easy and my bathroom is shiny clean.

You simply wet, squeeze and wipe (as the box says).  It is quick and easy and really shined up the chrome in the bathroom.  Here are some shiny pic’s

Never thought I would ever be posting a pic of my toilet on my blog, but there is a first for every thing right!

Look how freaking shiny, love it!

 OK so I took this first for the shiny chrome and realized I missed the left seem so below is the new pic of a less than 20 second clean with the eraser.
This is much better!
I will definitely tell everyone I know to use this eraser!  AWESOME!
It took me all of 10 minutes to clean all of this.
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My diapers & groceries intention this week

Well I have about 6 diapers left and enough meet to make 2 more dinners (if I go without lunch for me).  So I can’t go without eating and I have to change diapers so my intention this week is changing the universe to help me find diapers and groceries to last until Friday, which is payday.

I am not gong to stress and I am eating and changing diapers like I have enough to last the week, period!

Will keep you posted. 

Today is a good day because I get to be at home with my two wonderful kids and watch them grow everyday!  I am grateful for this opportunity.

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A follower reminded me of my goal, thanks!

Alassandra thanks for your comment a couple posts back because duh, you reminded me of my whole quest here.  Imagine my boy sleeping.  See what no sleep does to you, it makes you forget your goals sometimes.

This is why I have followeres, I learn from everyone in my life!

The second night of my quest to get my baby’s non-sleeping habit broken I decided to practice what I am preaching and it did help.

I picked him up for bed, kissed his little cheek about 10 times.  I told him how much I love him and said, while I looked into his cute little face, “you will sleep all night tonight.”

It has been 4 nights of sleep and I am not kidding!  It feels so good!  Just another reason to work for this law of attraction 100% of the time!

I feel so much better!

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