Holiday Giveaways are my favorite! It’s the perfect time of year to win free stuff. Don’t ya think?
I’ve partnered with a group of fabulous bloggers to give you the chance to win a $250 prize. The winner will be able to pick how they receive their prize – either by Amazon gift card or cash via Paypal. And your prize will be delivered in time for you to do your holiday shopping!
Prize: $250 Amazon Gift card or cash (via Paypal)
Sponsors: Naturally Frugalicious, Random Thoughts (yup that’s me!), Lush to Blush, This Mama Loves, Momma T and Family, Blog by Donna and Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Besides the mandatory blog comment entry, all other entries are optional. Giveaway ends 12/17 and is open worldwide.
Good luck!!
Disclaimer: Random Thoughts is not responsible for prize disbursement. I have paid to be part of this Totally Awesome Christmas Giveaway however, I am only helping host the giveaway, NOT distribute prize. Oh my gosh beck is responsible for prize disbursement and will notify the winner via e-mail. Good luck!
Thank you for being a part of this great giveaway! I love the way my house smells during my week of holiday baking
Awesome Giveaway
I love giving presents. Homemade ones, especially.
Love seeing all the family at the big family supper
i love being with people i love
I love finding and then decorating a Christmas tree.
Christmas Eve at church praying& being thankful then singing x-mas songs & then the morning after the excitement in our home is upon us & it’s Christmas Day. All I that wrapped up is what I think the holidays is all about. We may not have much be we have each other & our memories that will last forever.
I love all the wonderful food–the Christmas cookies and pies, even the dreaded Christmas Cake!
One thing I love about about Christmas is that it celebrates Jesus Christ.
I love that most people are in a good mood, friendlier, jollyier.
I love the snow …. that really makes Christmas.
I love Chrostmas food!!
Our family have different religions, but in Christmas we are joint together to celebrate family re-union and sharing almost all everything.
I like preparing special dishes for noche buena (christmas eve).
I love giving gifts to family and sharing time together.
I like decorating the house with christmas tinsels and decors
I love getting together with family and also decorating the tree
One of the things I love about the holidays is all of the food.
when i was aa kid…..the gift’s and sweet’s!!!
now mostly family……….and sweet’s!
I like the cheerful holiday atmosphere of it.
I love getting together with family.
What I like best about Christmas is the warm fuzzy feeling, being with family and friends. Sharing laughter, food and making memories.
Everyone being under one roof
When my children were younger it always felt like there was never enough time or money to get everything done, but somehow, maybe through the miracle of Christmas, things came together and we had some wonderful Christmases. Now that the kids have grown, and have babies of their own, our house just doesn’t seem to hold that same element of magic. Children definitely add the spice of excitement. So this year I’ll be traveling to their homes to share the joys of the holidays with my Grandbabies. I still miss those magical times of yester year.
I joined!
Would love to win so that I can use to buy presents for my loves ones this christmas!