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Cookie parties, have u heard of these?

I hope you will share!

I started this post back in December and forgot about it. So it may be a little “off season” but I still wanted to share it!

Back in December I was talking with a good friend and she said that she had got a party invitation. It was Christmas time so of course it is party time but it was not a regular party but rather a cookie party?  Have you ever heard of that before?Needless to say, I had not heard of it. So if you are like me and have no idea what one is, let me fill you in.

People bring cookies and not just a few. Here is the math: If you invite 10 people then everyone brings 10 dozen cookies, 12 people 12 dozen, and so on. You get the picture right?

Now this may sound awesome at first but think about what this really means? If you bring 10 dozen cookies then this means you are taking home 10 dozen cookies…really? Ten dozen cookies is a lot of cookies especially at a time of year when we tend to have more sugary and fatty food temptations then the rest of the year.

I for one would never RSVP to go to a cookie party. I have worked way too hard to eat myself into a cookie coma.

Now after I heard about the cookie party and talked with a few friends about it I heard about other parties like this. Some were appetizer parties. This one is a bit more doable for me. This time everyone brings one appetizer and then you share them at the party…you don’t take multiple appetizers home. OK, I am totally good with cheat days now and then so I could do this one. Eat for a night, feel sick for a day, get over it and get back on the healthy journey.

So now this raises questions in my mind…why do we adults, that know better, keep feeding into this type of behavior.?  Why is it that every social occasion has to surround us with food that could put us into the hospital with a heart attack or shorten our lives with our families over time. What is it about food that we feel we have to pretty much worship it?

In a society that is so educated about health and weight loss, why is our obesity rate still climbing? In my opinion it is all about will power and will power comes from behavior change.

Have a absolutely Healthy and Happy day!

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