Categories: Random ThoughtsSocial media

RU sending out spam links on twitter & e-mail?

I hope you will share!

Have you noticed that there are more and more spam links being sent out in your twitter and e-mail accounts lately?

I had an old e-mail account get hacked that I have not used in years and kind of forgot about and my twitter account hacked that I used daily.

If you are worried that your e-mail or twitter accounts or other social media accounts are gong to be hacked, there is an easy way to protect yourself.There is one simple thing you can do to help cut down on hackers and spammers and that is…change your password! Not just when it happens but you really should be changing your passwords on a regular basis.

I know it may seem like a pain to have to remember passwords but it is quite annoying on the receivers end to have their contacts hacked and spam links sent, from people they know. Changing your password every few months could do the trick and help eliminate the hackers intent.

If you have a handful of passwords you like to use then you can simply rotate between them. This way you don’t have to always remember a new password but have different accounts rotating these passwords at a time will help you not get hacked in the future.

I had no idea when my e-mail was hacked that changing the password would stop it. It was after a few weeks of spam e-mails being sent to friends and family, from my e-mail that someone finally told me what to do. I changed my password and immediately the e-mails stopped. It was such an easy fix. Now I change my password regularly. Will this mean I am 100% protected? Of course not, hackers are good at what they do, so I may get hacked again, but it least I will make them work harder.

It is pretty sad that people get pleasure in hacking other people. They must be real lonely people as most normal people do not take pride in hurting others.

Have a wonderful SPAM free day!

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" admin : ."

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