Categories: Random ThoughtsReviewsSocial media

Does posting blogs to social media really help increase traffic?

I hope you will share!

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I have been wondering for a few years now if linking all my blog posts through my other social media accounts is really worth while and increases my page rank.

Sites I would post to, every time I wrote a new post were: bloggymoms, mombloggersclub, blogger?? I forget the name now, Facebook profile and page, The blog frog, Twitter, and Google Plus. I am not knocking any of the website in anyway as I have found friends from all of them. My experiment was solely to see if my page ranks would increase if I posted my blog posts to them.For over 2 years I would post every post I would write to all of these but Google Plus. I have only been posting to Google plus for a couple months as it is so new.

I kept a record of my page views and adsense impressions for the following days.

1.  Posted at 9am EST on my blog and ALL above social media.

2.  Posted at 12:00 noon EST on my blog and ALL above social media.

3.  Posted only on my blog at 9am. EST.

4. Posted only on my blog at noon EST.

Guess what? My daily page views were almost exactly the same regardless of what I did. Seriously. They were only different within 10-15 views and my most views were actually when I posted ONLY on my blog at 9am. That was weird to me…but my stats confirm it.

At one time I would spend an extra 30-45 minutes on my computer adding my blog posts to these social media pages…waist of time. I now no longer so that. I still have them automatically post to FB and twitter, just because but I no longer post to anything else.

I actually just deleted my Google plus account. For the same reason I moved from Blogger to word press (see my blogger to word press category if ur interested in how I did that for free, by myself). Google wants to much control and they did not like what I posted on my own personal profile page…my blog posts!!! Ya…love free speech…oh wait…what free speech!

Anyway, I thought I would share my stats. Now I have 30-45 extra minutes per day that I blog and that is nice!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (3)

  • Wow, that's very interesting. Did you have a lot of followers on your social sites too? Did you share their stuff too? At least now you have extra time to blog more!

    • Yes I have almost 6,000FB Fans 4,000 twitter fans, 1000 blog frog friends and was up to over 1800 Google plus followers. I think email subscription is the way to go for getting the word out and google search.

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