My diapers & groceries intention this week

I hope you will share!

Well I have about 6 diapers left and enough meet to make 2 more dinners (if I go without lunch for me).  So I can’t go without eating and I have to change diapers so my intention this week is changing the universe to help me find diapers and groceries to last until Friday, which is payday.

I am not gong to stress and I am eating and changing diapers like I have enough to last the week, period!

Will keep you posted. 

Today is a good day because I get to be at home with my two wonderful kids and watch them grow everyday!  I am grateful for this opportunity.

I LUV Sharing!

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6 Responses to My diapers & groceries intention this week

  1. tawna6988 says:

    Aw thanks Hillary. He is a 4 though and am in Dayton OH:)

  2. Hillary Reeves says:

    I don't know where you are or what size diapers you need but I have a ton of extra size 1 diapers.

  3. tawna6988 says:

    Thanks Alsssandra (sent you an e-mail)and Retha for today!

  4. Retha says:

    I just finished typing it up, I will go ahead and post before I finish the last few pictures! (will have the last pics up soon) 🙂

  5. tawna6988 says:

    Retha: I think I may have to try that so I can have them in such situations!

  6. Retha says:

    I have so been there before! And you have just reminded me to write something I have been meaning to for a while. So have you ever considered making your own cloth diapers?

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