Feeling excited…still!

I hope you will share!

I am still pumped up and I am not kidding.  I started a new job last night and because of my positive thinking I am totally pumped about it (more about that on a later post).

It is amazing how much a little positive thinking can change your outlook on things.  So far I am smiling more, playing more, and sitting around less.

I actually want to get up and move, play with the kids, get out in the yard, and dance around the house.  All that are good for me!

I am listening to Joe Vitals Cd’s again and will break down his thoughts a bit more on future posts.  There are a lot of things he talks about that I want to try.

Have a wonderful day because I am!!

I LUV Sharing!

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2 Responses to Feeling excited…still!

  1. Mamacita La Cuponera says:

    Following you back from MBC!

  2. alessandra says:


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