I am a beach body coach now!

I hope you will share!

Sharing this on all 3 of my blogs just in case someone has ever considered it and been on the fence about it. the free offer is only available for a couple more days!

I just signed up to be a beach body coach. I figured since I was working out with their products quite a bit and losing weight why not sign up to be a coach! If anyone is interested in doing the same I am looking to build my team and they are waiving the fee to sign up until Jan 7 2010. I figured since its free to sign up I have some time to feel it our before I have to put any money into it. If you are interested shoot me an e-mail notaverageguru@gmail.com
we can do it together! This will also help motivate me to get going on my work outs strong again!!

If you know you want to sign up go to my page here http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/ashley6988
and click on the big green word COACH.

I LUV Sharing!

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9 Responses to I am a beach body coach now!

  1. Chris says:

    I like the beach body programs. They kick your butt but if you stick to the programs they really do work. As a business person I am amazed at their marketing savvy.

  2. tawna6988 says:

    Absolutely get it and agree. I am giving myself 6 only cuz I know I have to ease in with the kids being at home and I can't spend as much time as I would at it. 3 months is great!

  3. DisneyFan says:

    Hey girl! I just may sign up under you. If I do, i am giving myself 3 months and if I am not making money by the end of it, I can't continue! you know? 🙂


  4. tawna6988 says:

    Do you already have a coach to sign up under? If so I don't want to step on any toes but if you don't would you be willing to sign up under me if you decide to do so? My web page to sugn up is


    if you are interested and if not, no big deal. Would love to work out with you either way!
    Let me know if I can send you any information!

  5. DisneyFan says:

    Congrats! I may join this week too.

  6. tawna6988 says:

    Laura, sign up is free until jan 7th and I can send you some videos to watch for more info. Would you be OK sending me your e-mail address. If so send it to notaverageguru@gmail.com

    I could not afford anything either so figured, free, I am in and will cancel it if it does nt work out.

  7. Laura says:

    I'm curious about it. I've looked into their program (not sure if it was the "coach" thing though) and seriously considered it. If it's not something I have to spend any money on right now I'd be interested in hearing more.

  8. Jill says:

    I've heard of this…I know a few people who are obsessed….but they are totally thin. guess it works! I just don't have the motivation to try to sell their products, too. I'm not a business type and would probably end up spending any money I get, LoL..

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