My kids Firsts today!

I hope you will share!

Both my kids are experimenting with new ways of eating  today.  My son ate his first meal on an actual plate and as you can see he liked it…A LOT!

The tray was a lot easier to clean this time as it had minimal food on it.  He had too much fun and ate everything!  He got really mad when I took the plate away:)  He loved the bath afterwards too!  I love this age!
My daughter decided to try and artichoke today and was unsure but she gave it a try!

I am glad she like it as it is one my my favorite foods!  She has always been a great eater and will try pretty much anything. My son is not quite as open, as she was at his age, but we will work on him.  I have always strived to keep them eating healthy!

I LUV Sharing!

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3 Responses to My kids Firsts today!

  1. tawna6988 says:

    Absoultely Grace! And thanks gustosa giveaways for the link!

  2. gustosa giveaways says:

    here is the link to the custom blog design giveaway

    hope you win, sorry for the late response i just been busy

    thanks also for passing by my blog

  3. Grace says:

    Don't you think it would be great if we could all enjoy our food this much as adults and it be sociably acceptable?

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