My pissy attitude is affecting my health!

I hope you will share!

OK so I posted on my positive thinking blog ( temporary relapse to the negativity side this week and boy I tell you, if you are not mentally happy, there is no way you are going to be physically healthy. It has put a damper on me all week (well it’s Wed but this started on Sunday so it has been 4 days.

When I google for a picture, creidt ofr it was given to this website,
I still have been doing my P90X workouts but I have found that I have only been half doing them and I can tell a difference. This is not where I want to be, all pissy and negative and only half wokring out. I need and want to be putting my full energy into these and I have got to make a serious change in my attitude starting, yesterday. So, on a new mission today to change my attitude, get over myself, and do my P90X workouts to the fullest today. Even though today is suppose to be rest day I am re-doing Kenpo because I did not feel it like I should have yesterday.

I hope you are having a wonderful  healthy day with a smile on your face. I forgot my smile for only a few days and look where it got me….no where.

Tanks for coming by today! It means a lot!


I LUV Sharing!

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6 Responses to My pissy attitude is affecting my health!

  1. DorothyL says:

    Allowing anything or anyone to make us feel bad is our own fault. AS we are responsible for what we allow to affect us and our day. You can say no to all that is outside of your mind ~

    It takes a bit of consistent retraining of your way of thinking and it can be done~

    Why choose to feel crappy when you can choose to feel happy~

  2. LT says:

    Tawna Ive been there and still going through attitude changes.You are doing well by pushing through! Before you know it the storm will have blown over.

  3. Terry says:

    LOL!! Tawna…. We all get PISSY, I really get pissy when I am tired or sick.

    I think you are wonderful Tawna and you deserve a Pissy day once in awhile. You are my VERY FAVORITE BEST BLOGGER BUDDY!! Love you Girl!!

  4. Eschelle says:

    UGH a bad mood ruins everything. I am always trying to fight off my depression, which is why i think my weight gets the better of me some months, and probably why my loss is slow.

  5. Ashley B says:

    Hope your days start getting better! I too have been dieting and working out and somedays it's like your mind and body just feel, well, blah. lol. Just hang in there hun and try to wake up everyday with the thinking of "today's a new day and it can either be good or bad it's my choice." It helps me at least lol.

  6. Cathy Kennedy says:

    Attitude is SO important. I can relate to this completely. I've gotten into the same rut before where I only go through the motions and my heart is elsewhere. I'm here cheering you on to success in your weight loss and fitness goals. It's tough battle, but the war can be won with tenacious spirit. You rock Tawna!

    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

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