Not just hungry but starving!

I hope you will share!

The other day I posted about going to bed hungry but last night I was starving and there was no good reason for me to be so stinking hungry.  I did not give in, well I had a handful of grapes, but I wanted popcorn so bad but resisted.  The thing is that it was not real late either only 9pm when I got real hungry.

it was one of those times that I could not stop thinking about it.  I even turned on the biggest loser and worked out a bit during it to see if  could distract myself but after 20 minutes I was still so hungry I just sat there and fought the urge and finally went to bed about 11pm.  But…I did not eat!  I really wanted to eat and woke up starving still!

it was a hard night for me.  I think the weeding made me extra hungry as I at a little more than usual for dinner, not too much, but more then usual.  So this is a good thing!

I LUV Sharing!

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4 Responses to Not just hungry but starving!

  1. carol says:

    I am so glad you are doing this. I feel that this is the best way to go as well but I find I must have a problem with overeating as well. First time in my life and I can't seem to keep up with watching how much I am eating. I have been able to keep from eating past 7:00 PM -on the whole. But AHHHHHHhhhhh!!!!!!! So frustrating to be obese by the doctor's chart. I did find that people were not as skinny as they say they were in the 1800's. I am helping out with indexing and noticed that many men were falling into the obese category. For instance, one man was 5 ft 4 inches and weighed in at 183! That helped me feel a little better about my problem.
    So, keep up the good work and I will continue to follow your progress and hopefully make some of my very own!

  2. Redheadedmom says:

    One thing I do when I'm hungry at night is eat a banana- they actually are pretty filling and a good thing to eat when you don't want to have a ton before going to bed.
    Or drinking some water helps too.
    and we can always use more water!

    Hopping by to follow and say hi 🙂

  3. Teresa Choplin says:

    I love your blog,Following from the blog-hop. I'm your newest follower. Please take time to follow me back, thanks.

  4. Ann says:

    Our bodies can really be a pain sometimes! But you did it, you fought the urge.

    Congratulations!!! :->

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