Today’s Positive Thought March 14, 2011

I hope you will share!

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Today’s thought!

“You can’t change the whole world, and you certainly can’t change other people, but you do have the ability to change yourself. You can have a positive impact in your job, the people with whom you work, and the entire organization…the choice is up to you!”-Cherie Carter-Scott

OK so how many (including myself) are guilty of trying to change everyone and not changing ourselves?
 Have you noticed that the people who change jobs, like underwear, and it’s always “everyone else’s fault,” are most likely they are the ones that are the problem? This is a hard lesson to learn. Since my journey to a more positive life I have noticed that I am less irritated with people because I am not always trying to change them. Since the changing of myself, it has dominoed into ALL aspects of my life and especially with relationships!

I wish everyone a positively positive day!

I LUV Sharing!

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2 Responses to Today’s Positive Thought March 14, 2011

  1. Alicia C. says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    This quote reminds me of my favorite lyrics – The Beatles' "Within You Without You" This reminds me particularly of this line, "Try to realize it's all within yourself
    No one else can make you change." It has had a huge impact on how I deal with others and myself!

  2. Romina Garcia says:

    Hi! So glad I stopped by from the hop!
    Awesome blog.
    I'm your new follower on GFC 🙂
    You can reach me at:

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