Visualizing today!

I hope you will share!

I am not getting frustrated that we only have $7 in our bank account for a week at 2 days.  I am not grinding my teeth and losing sleep over it.  I am telling the universe today that we are going to receive enough money to make it through this week.

I am going to visualize a sweet check in the mail that I was not expecting.  I am visualizing my excitement when I check the mail and BAM check!  For my Canadian followers, cheque!

I am staying happy and excited and not going to let this lack of funds rule my life!

OK universe I am doing my job now you do yours!

I LUV Sharing!

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2 Responses to Visualizing today!

  1. eof777 says:

    Sending you prayers and blessings that your heart's desire be met… Following you back from TTTT hop.

  2. funfunfun says:

    Great attitude!
    Hi..following from TTTT…would love to have you follow back!

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