I hope you will share!

UntitledWeight loss from around the world!!! What does this mean!

I am taking this web site to a whole new level. I want to share as many after baby weight loss stories as I can get my hand on! Heck even if you have lost weight and have not had a baby, guy or girl, I want your story!

What this means…simple.

I want a blog post from you. You can link back to your blog, web page, whatever. You can even post anonymous.

Of course I will read them and have to approve the post. I don’t want these posts just to be ads. I want them to be genuine weight loss journeys from real women! Yes women only…sorry men.

If you have one please contact me via my contact tab. First come first serve. Write your post and send it to me, with a max of 2-links in it and 1-2 photos. More photos OK as long as there is more words then photos.

Please give me it least 3-5 paragraphs, you can go longer! I want these from the heart.

Then I will post your story, with your links and images. Please don’t link your images…reason is that I don’t want any follow-links snuck in them, so I will unlink any images, but you can have text links. No-follow lilnks only!

Does this sound like something you want to share? It will also help promote you if you have a business etc.

There is no time frame, as long as this web page is up, I am taking stories and from all over the world. I would love to have it least one story from every country world wide. I just thought of that so please add your country when you contact me. I want to keep track!

Have a happy and healthy day! I hope you will share with me!


I LUV Sharing!

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